Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 42

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Harry p.o.v

"HARRY! COME AND HELP ME UNPACK THESE GLASSES!" I hear Flora shout up the stairs, trailing off where she runs out of breath. 

"COMING!" I call back, doing up the buttons on my shirt as I go down the stairs, skidding to a halt on the kitchen tiles, surveying the kitchen and dining room which is full of bottles of champagne and so many other bottles. 

"We've got alot of alcohol, haven't we?" She laughs. 

"What's a house warming party.. without.. ALOT of alcohol?" I ask, sliding my arms around her from behind as we survey the kitchen, I rest my chin on top of her head, my favourite thing to do because of out height difference, beathing in the familliar scent of her perfume.

"It's a House Warming party where people are considerably more sober?" She chuckles, wiggling out of my grip. 

It's only the second full day in our house but the day of our official house warming party, it's not a big affair but the fans know it's happening and we're expecting a fair few family and friend's, who are due to be arriving in about half an hour. 

I got home from work an hour ago and Flora had already cleaned and tidied the house, including our bedroom which was pretty messy due to my habit of discarding clothes wherever I feel. 

"I like your dress" I say with a smirk, watching her bum as she bends down getting something out of a cupboard.

"Harry just unpack the glasses" She says huffily, standing up. I start taking the glasses out of the box as she heads off into the hall and into the front room probably. I get bored and  lazy with where I'm putting them, one suddenly tips, knocking itself and 3 others off, creating almighty high pitched smashing sounds and spreading shards of glass all over the kitchen. 

Flora comes bounding in bare footed seconds later

"What was that no-owwwwwh!" She yelps before I can warn her.

"Oh my god, you're bleeding!" I say, as I see a pool of red start to drip from the sole of her foot. 

"Ahhh I think i've got glass stuck in it!" She says panicking.

"Yeah, I dropped the glasses! I'm sorry!" I say rushing forward as she tries to hobble. I scoop her small body up no trouble and she doesnt protest, carrying her into the bathroom just down the hall. 

Sitting her on the edge of the bath, grabbing a spare(unfortunately white) flannel, wrapping her small foot in it, stopping the blood so I can move her leg onto my lap. I watch her wince as I wring out the flannel and reapply it a few more times, her face is drained of colour.. but that may well be because of her aversion to blood. 

The blood flow has finally stopped enough to examine it, and I'm actually shocked at how big the jagged shard of glass is embedded right in the arch of her foot, I look up and see her eyes are wide.

"How big is it!?" She asks, her voice wavering slightly. 

"Oh not that bad, better and easier to remove if it's larger" I say. 

"How are you gonna get it out!?" She says nervously.

"Tweezers, you got any?" I ask, her eyes widen again. 

"Emm in our bathroom, the flowery make-up bag" She says biting her lip. 

"I'll be two seconds" I brush her leg reassuringly, taking off and finding the tweezers easily. I get back to the ground floor bathroom, resting her small leg in my lap again. 

"Check you out, you're better at this than I thought" She chuckles as I size up out to best get hold of the glass. 

"Well.. what can I say?" I laug squinting as I get the very edge of the glass with the tweezers, knowing she's not going to like what I need to do next. 

"Flo, I'm gonna get it out on the count of 3 okay? It may hurt a little" I say looking at her. She nods, gripping the edge of the bath closing her eyes, 

"1..2-" I pull it gently and quickly, and i'm interrupted by a slight gasp from Flora. 

I'm done!" I say triumphantly, and she opens her eyes grinning.

"Oh my god, thankyou" She laughs. as I rinse my hands and the tweezers, chucking her some antiseptic cream and a claster from the cabinet. 

"I'm gonna go clear up the kitchen, sort your foot.. and try rest it a little before everyone gets here.. and No heels tonight okay?!" I say. 

"Ugh.. okay" She sighs. I ruffle her hair much to her annoyance as I walk out. The doorbell suddenly goes. 

"Crap" I mutter, but it's only Louis and Leah arrived slightly earlier to see if we need any help. 

"You look stressed..." Louis says instantly. 

"And you have.. BLOOD!? on your shirt!" Says Leah. 

"Ahh crap" I say. Going through to the kitchen. 

"Harry! what'd you do with Flora!?" Asks Louis.. only half joking. 

"Oh god.. I dropped some glasses, she cut her foot and bled everywhere, disaster averted now though, she's in the bathroom" I grin. 

"I'll go talk to her" Says Leah. As I hang their coats up then start mopping at the blood then sweeping the glass. 

"Wow, top husband" says Lou. 

"I know right, even though I did drop the glass" I say. 

"Sleeping with her yet...?" He asks. 

"Oh shutup.... But nearly"  just as the doorbell goes again and I hear his distinctive laugh as I go down the hall. It's only Paige,Niall,Liam and Bobby. 

"Hi!" Says Niall, thrusting yet more alcohol into my arms. 

"Happy er... house warming" Laughs Paige as they all step in, just as Flora comes hopping out of the bathroom with leah's help.

"What happened!?" Asks Bobby. I see Flora laugh. 

"Harry broke a glass and made me stand on it" She says laughing openly. Everybody looks at me in mock horror. I just make out a little shocked noise. 


"Yeah yeah, Harry, come on Flora, let us help you" Says Liam, walking forward and taking Flora's other arm helping her hop along into the kitchen. I turn on my heels as the door goes again and Zayn and Ellie come in, they see the convoy hopping into the kitchen and Zayn opens his mouth to question. 

"Don't even ask" I say. 

"Wasn't gonna!" He chuckles, leading Ellie into the kitchen. I'm stuck awnsering the door most of the night, without Flora to help me, she's busy pouring drinks in the kitchen and retelling the story. I also end up doing house tours because well I can't see Flora negotiating the stairs multiple times. 

But the general conclusion is how amazing our house is, which surprisingly is quite flattering, after all we painted it with our bare hands... 

At about quarter to 1, I shut the front door for the last time. As I head back into the kitchen, Flora's still limping alot but she's clearing up the kitchen. She may well be a bit drunk and I'm not keen for her to go dropping any glass bottles any time soon.

"Come on Flo, bed time" I say, pulling her into a hug and she obliges quietly. 

"We should clear up a bit!" She whines. 

"Nope, bed" I say, going to walk normally but realising she wont keep up as I flick the lights off. 

"You're such a snail, lemmie help" I laugh, lifting her bridal style again, walking down the hall and mounting the two flights of stairs easily, kicking our bedroom door open and dumping her on the bed, leaning over her and kissing her gently , i feel her hand in my hair as she adds more pressure and wraps her legs around me

"I'll be two seconds!" I say,the alcohol is getting to me and ive decided a wee is better sooner rather than later. When I'm done I rush out, practically unbuttoning my shirt as a I go.. but to my slight dismay she's sound asleep, starfished out on the bed, even snoring lightly. 

I roll my eyes with a laugh. Pulling my clothes off slower now and putting some PJ bottoms, flicking the lights off and shoving her over gently, guiding her into bed as she curls around me. 

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