(5) Strip Tease

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Above is a design I did for what Kai is wearing at the strip club as a bartender. :) Happy reading! Don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you for checking out my story thus far! I really appreciate it, peoples!!

Usually I dress kind of conservative. If you were to look in my closet, you'd see that my wardrobe consists of precisely twenty different colored turtlenecks, five pairs of mom jeans and two pairs of blue trousers. I also have my black combat boots and white converse sneakers. Not joking.

So, when I work at Strip Tease as a waitress it feels like I am a different person. I put my auburn hair into a tight and high ponytail with a red scrunchie and I wear the outfit all the waitresses are supposed to wear.

It's a lot more modest than the dancers, but it is still exposing. I wear a black leather crop top and matching black leather short shorts that I often have to pull out of my butt cheeks, a red leather jacket and five inch high heel fire-engine red pumps. I like it when I wear the pumps-- although it took me like a solid month to not fall on my butt when walking in them -- because I'm 6'1 when wearing them and most of the dudes that come in here have beer-bellies and are 5'8 at best, so I get to assert my dominance. Sort of.

Okay, so it doesn't keep a few guys every now and then from grabbing my ass, but what am I supposed to do? It beats being poor and this waitressing is a lot better than what I'm going to be doing in the future if I get my raise.

"Hey, Sunflower." Candy greets me as I go into the dressing room. Technically, if you're a waitress you shouldn't be in the same room as the dancers, but since Candy be-friended me the other girls let it slide.

Candy is thirty-five years old and she's been stripping the longest here. She has dirty blonde hair and loves to sow. Which is why the second day I waitressed here, Candy had sewn me a sunflower mask.

I remember I asked her why she did it and she told me everyone deserves a little privacy every now and then

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I remember I asked her why she did it and she told me everyone deserves a little privacy every now and then. So, with the manager's permission, I had worn the mask with my outfit from then on.

The manager -- Bobby -- said as long as I agreed to one day be a stripper for him, he would be okay with it. I've been training and with any luck, tomorrow just might be my first official day as a stripper.

Like I said, I need the money and this job pays well as a waitress, but nothing compares to being paid as a stripper. So, I need it whether I want to or not.

I'm just glad I have people like Candy and Teagan in my life because when it comes to this job, you need people out there watching out for you. I mean, we have a security guard watching out for us -- Clifford but he goes by cliff -- but that's not enough. He can't be everywhere. So, the more people you have watching out for you here the better.

"Sunflower." Speaking of Cliff, he calls my name and gestures with his hand for me to follow him where he is poking his head out of the dressing room. I'd say people covered up when he poked his head in for a second but come on. This is a strip club and these are strippers. Plus, Cliff is 6'5 and ripped with piercing brown eyes and a bald head so he isn't a bad lay. I mean, as for as people go here, he is probably one of the best people you could be with right next to Candy and Teagan.

I follow him out in the hallway. "What's up?" I say as I put my mask on, making sure my costume is not wrinkled or anything.

"The boss wants to see you." He says. "Want me to escort you down there?" He asks me.

Oh, no. Why would the boss want to see me? Is it bad? "Hey, you're gonna be okay." Cliff tries to reassure me.

I nod my head, even though I don't believe him. "Stay with the girls. You know how the guys get in this place." He rolls his eyes as he probably recalls some incidences as said guys get way out of hand.

"Just text me if you need me to come find you." He says, holding up his phone.

I nod my head thanks as I go to see what Bobby -- the manager -- wants, hoping to God that I don't get fired today.


I knock on the door and instead of Bobby usually yelling 'come in' to my surprise someone gets the door.

Only it's not Bobby that gets it. 

It's Noah.

Next chapter to come so we can find out who this Noah character is and why he answered the door instead of Bobby. Plus, why did Bobby ask Kai to come in? :)

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