(32) The Best Laid Plans

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Waking up in Noah's arms felt so right. My limbs were entangled in his. It was perfect. 

Until I heard a knock, which in turn woke up Noah. "What's happening?" He said, still sleepy.

"Just someone knocking on the door." I replied, trying not to sound as nervous as I felt. "I'll get it."

Not skipping a beat, Noah got out of bed before I could, his dick saluting me. "No, I'll get it. You stay here." He said and then he went to answer the door.

"Noah." I called. "Aren't you forgetting something." I said when he turned, looking pointedly at his cock.  Why did anyone want to interrupt us when we could go for round four?

"Oh, right."Noah grabbed some pants from the built in closet and I had to laugh at how perfect our little home truly was. Noah kissed me on the cheek before finally answering the door.

"Teagan? Clay?" Noah phrased their names like a question. 

I hop out of bed immediately, with the sheet clutched between my hands. I go into our shared closet and fish out some clothes.

"You slept with him?" Teagan asks.

"Where's Royal?" Clay asks.

"More importantly, where have you been?" Danni who appears out of nowhere, asks.

"How did you find me?" I finally ask.

"Your mom." They all say at the exact same time.

"Would you mind? I need to get dressed." I say. I would just go into the bathroom, but since the bathroom is a makeshift bucket, can't exactly do that now can I?

"We'll wait outside." Noah says, as he closes the door.


I explained everything to my friends. From my sisters being evil to my giving up Royal for a short period of time. I did not tell them how Noah was raped because that wasn't really my story to tell. 

When I explained what happened my friends were outraged and we made a plan. I was going to call the police and get my sisters arrested for raping my boyfriend. We were going to go to court. Only problem? They disappeared off the face of the planet. 

Teagan got back Royal and he was going to live with his new boyfriend Clay. Who saw that coming, right? 

I was going to move in with my boyfriend in my apartment. 

Until Teagan came back empty handed without Royal.

Until Candy was shot and killed leaving her children orphans. 

Until Tyrus disappeared too. 

Bottom line: Nothing goes as planned.

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