(3) Not With My Baby, You Don't

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"You forgot her car seat again?" I yell at Tyrus as I probably have my butt up in the air bending down to get Royal situated with Royal's hand tightly gripped in mine.

"She's five years old. Didn't think she'd need it." I hold my breath silently counting down to five for courage. Royal's hand squeezes mine as if knowing that I need all the support I can in order to not grip Tyrus's testicles in my hand and squeeze and squeeze them until they are grinding down into testicle juice. Even though Royal is only five years old and probably doesn't even know what testicles are.

I get out of the backseat and before getting up from my hunched over position I whisper to Royal, "I want you to get into Daddy's car and shut the door because mommy's about to say some not nice things to daddy." Royal just nods and follows my orders, used to this by now.

Mommy and daddy fighting. If only daddy would just pay attention. If only daddy would just follow directions, then I wouldn't always have to fight with him. I'm not the bad guy here, so why do I feel like I am?

I straighten up. Take a deep breath and turn around. "Royal is small for her age." I say as calmly as I can muster for Royal's sake and Royal's sake alone. "Unless Royal is 4'9 and forty-pounds, safety protocol says she needs to sit in a car seat." Do not ask me for her measurements. Do not ask me for her measurements. Do not--

"How tall is she? She looks pretty tall for her age to me. Just like her mother." He smirks, as if that makes it that much better. "And she seemed to be packing on for belly fat." What kid is he talking about? Certainly not Royal. The girl I have to force to eat just a little bit more. Yes, she may be 3'6, but she is thirty pounds. Definitely is not packing any belly fat.

"She may be 3'6, which you would know if you had the time to go to any of her doctor appointments," He rolls his eyes. As if that doesn't matter. As if attending appointments that his daughter has aren't part of the daddy job. "But she is eight pound underweight."

All he says is: "Rules are meant to be broken."

And just as I'm about to explode I see light blonde hair come into my vision. "I found a car seat in storage where you must have forgotten it." Danni pipes in and hands the black car seat to me.

She is my savior. They don't have a storage room. I think she bought one for her car in case Royal would come along on one of our many girl's nights. And because she did this for me. Helping me not to freak out in front of Royal, I take Danni by the wrist just as she turns to walk away, spin her around and give her a tight hug.

"Thank you." I whisper into Danni's ear and quickly pull away. She blushes and then leaves.

And I don't even care that Tyrus rolls his eyes or that he climbs in the driver seat, slamming it because Danni made this moment better.

She made it just a little less terrible than I know the weekend is going to be.

I quickly put the car seat in and strap in Royal, making sure she is secured, before slipping into the passenger's seat.

And yes, I do have the biggest grin on my face. It's okay though, because I know it'll disappear almost as quickly as it came, but for now, I'm going to enjoy it.

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