(14) What We Hide

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The video is called Luka by Suzanne Vega. I don't own the song or video, but this song kind of goes along with Royal's point of view in the story which comes a little later in the story. Anyway, happy reading! Hope you enjoy! Vote and comment, cause I appreciate the love y'all.

Warning: This chapter does include some unsettling things alluding to child abuse. If that is a trigger for you this is your warning. Don't read if you can't handle it. Reading is meant to be pleasurable or at the very least, entertaining. This chapter is necessary for the plot of the story, but if you can't read Royal's point of view for personal reasons that is completely fine. You can still read some of this chapter. :) <3 <3

"Maybe I should stick my finger in a light socket." And he laughs. Why does he always think I'm joking? How many times do I have to remind this guy I'm not funny. Ever.

"See. You can always make me laugh." And then his non-injured hand touches my shoulder. I stare at it like his hand burned me and he finally gets the hint and lets it drop to his side.

I meet his brown eyes head on. "You cheated on me. Multiple times. Not even just once, so don't give me that bull speech about people changing because they don't and you won't."

"How about Royal?" He tries.

"What about her?" I start to grit my teeth.

"She needs me in her life."

"She has you in her life." I point out. "Not that you really hang out with her all that much. You don't even attend her appointments. By the way we had a doctor's appointment last month. She's doing fine. A little underweight though. Thanks for asking." I say sarcastically.

"Wouldn't it be good for Royal to have both her parents be together?" He tries again. Not one to give up easily.

Well, neither am I.

"I just don't think-"

"I'll try harder. I promise. I will." He interrupts me and then to my astonishment he gets down on both knees on the dirty floor of the classroom with his hands clasped together above his face.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Royal isn't that fond of you right now, anyway. She came home crying. Do you know what that was about?" He shrugs and I close my eyes for a second, willing myself to not lose my patients. What little I still have.

"I'm leaving." I say.

And then as I turn my back on him to leave, he says, "I'm not giving up on us, Kai. This isn't over."

"Pretty sure it is." I say without even turning my back to face him and then I leave.

Wish I was leaving him, but since he's the father of my child, it isn't that simple. He gets to be a part of my baby's life if he chooses because he isn't a rapist or a murderer and his parents took me in when I had no one. They didn't have to help me and even if I don't get along with Shanice that well, they have my baby's back to the end and that means the world to me.

So, if it means putting up with Tyrus. I will. Obviously, I will.

five years ago (Just after meeting Noah for the first time)

When I check my text it's from Tyrus. I panic. He stayed home because he was sick. If he's texting me now, it must be an emergency. It has to be Royal.

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