(11) I Love Daddy

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Warning: This chapter is a little disturbing to read! Proceed with caution!

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I love daddy

I love daddy
like a smoker loves their cigarettes

I love daddy
like a drug addict loves heroin
or how a drug dealer loves their money

I love daddy 
like a lawyer loves doing pro Bono work
or like a doctor loves helping patients going through a clinic

I love daddy 
like a cheerleader hates to gain weight 
or a pacifist hates violence

I love daddy
like an anorexic person loves losing weight
or looking at the scale

I love daddy 
like a grandma loves baking sugary sweets
and a grandpa loves eating them

I love daddy
like a custodian loves picking up other people's trash
or a mother loves taking care of other people's children

I love daddy
like a sick person loves taking their pills
or how a crazy person loves being put into a straight jacket

I love daddy
like a child loves being abused

I love daddy 
like daddy loves me


As I begin to wake up from my nap, rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands I see my dad.

He's talking to Ms. Carters just outside near the window. He seems to be frustrated for some reason and Ms. Carters seems to be patient with him.

I'm scared. I feel my whole body freeze. I feel detached from it like my body is not my own. I gulp. I don't want to see him.

I love daddy. I know he didn't do anything wrong. After all, he would never intentionally hurt me like that.

It was my fault.

I just don't want him to do it again. I don't know how to tell him this. I can't tell my mom. I don't want her to get mad at me. Blame me.

I just want him to leave.

I just don't want to talk to him. Maybe I should want to. He is my father after all, but I just can't.

"Want to draw a picture with me?" Grace asks me. She's holding a red crayon in her hand and a piece of paper lies on the table.

I look at my father again, only to realize he isn't there anymore. Ms. Carters is inside.

He is gone.

Why does it feel like I can breathe so much better now that he isn't here anymore?

"Sure, grace." I get up and go to the table and pick up a pink crayon. My favorite color.

"You draw on this side." She points to the left side of the paper. "And I'll draw on this side." She points to the right side. "And we'll meet in the middle. Sound good?" She looks at me, waiting for my answer and I nod.

We get to work.

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