(18) To Steal

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Above is Kai's blue lingerie set that I imagined her wearing. I don't own the photo in any way. Also, don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks a bunch! Happy reading! :) <3 <3

All I see is Tyrus. I can tell that he knows I'm a stripper by the way he gazes at me like he's the predator to my prey. He only does that when he feels threatened by something or someone else.

I can't tell if he doesn't like this turn of events or not. I look pointedly at his arm. "Let me go." I say as calmly as I can manage, trying not to convey how scared I really am. Scared of him. What he might do.

"All I want is a lap dance. That's all I want." That's all he wants?


That's not all I want. Of course it's not, but it's what I'll start with.

I wish she had more of everything. More of a figure. More of a face. Maybe even less clothing.

Her face is less than beautiful. Slightly above pretty. I guess she does bring something to the table with those lips, but they're not as big as I'm used to. I wish her hair wasn't so orange looking.

But that's okay.

Because we're here now. I know I said I wished that she was a stripper, but now that I know she is one is it bad to say that I wish she wasn't a stripper? Is it bad that I wish others wouldn't grind on her? I'd rather she be all mine.

"Just one lap dance?" She repeats warily.

I nod in agreement. "Just one lap dance." She nods and as she leads me to the chair near the stage that she was just grinding someone else on, someone yanks me away from Kai.

A big, tall scary dude dressed in all black.


I don't know why I did it, I just couldn't stand Kai's ex going anywhere near her. "Noah." Kai lets out my name like a warning.

I throw Tyrus a death glare. I never once look away from him. I'm scared that if I let my guard down for even just one second he'll take advantage. "Let him go." Kai demands.

"Why? So you can give him a private show?" An involuntary shiver of disgust rips through me. "Not a fucking chance."

"That's not up to you." Tyrus sneers, finally saying something in his obnoxious voice.

"Tyrus, for once, is right. It's up to me and if Tyrus is willing to pay for a lap dance I'm not going to refuse his money." And then it suddenly hits me. What Kai is wearing. A sheer blue lingerie set. Where we are. Strip Tease; an elite strip club. What Kai's job is. An exotic dancer. Otherwise known as a stripper.

Kai is a stripper.

So, what possible reason do I have to stop her from giving her ex a lap dance? It's money. That's what Kai cares about. Not the guy. At least I don't think she still cares for Tyrus that way.

Unless, I were to offer her a counter offer.


This is not good. Noah is looking at me with crazy eyes. The kind of eyes that tell me he isn't going to just sit by and let me give my ex-boyfriend a lap dance. He has a plan and in my experience, Noah's plans are never good.

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