(16) When It Began

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Billie Jean by: Michael Jackson is the song above. I don't own the video or song, but it kind of goes with the chapter. This chapter is all in Tyrus's point of view and we all know by now that he isn't the nicest person (an understatement) so just be aware of that. Happy reading! Comment and vote; it'd mean a whole lot to me! :) <3 <3


When Kai first told me she was pregnant, I thought she was either cheating on me or lying. I don't really know why at the time, but I just assumed that only white folks dug themselves into those graves. That you had to be white to be pregnant. One of us was white, but since I was still black I thought that kind of eliminated any problematic factors from the equation.

I guess, I thought this because I had only ever seen white people on TV get pregnant. Never had I seen a young person of color get into any kind of trouble on TV. If they were on TV, they were usually just the supporting character on a show where they watched as their best friend did stupid stuff and they always had something quick to say, like 'Damn, bro! That's tough!' or 'That ain't never happenin' to me.'

So, I just assumed that when Kai told me she was pregnant she meant she was pregnant with somebody else's baby. Never once did it cross my mind that that little thing growing in her was mine.

And so, when she told me it was mine I nearly flipped out. I told her that we were going to get that baby tested as soon as it popped out of her whoring vagina. I didn't say that in as many words at the time, but it was implied.

She cried and cried like white chicks do and she kept on telling me that it was mine. That I took her virginity and she never slept with anybody else. I suppose I didn't believe her because I was cheating on her. A lot. With Marissa. And a few other girl's, but mostly Marissa.

Kai was just supposed to be a one night stand at the time. She was just a challenge for me to grab onto and keep me busy for the time being.

I remember the first time I saw her little auburn head peeking out in the hall with those two white boys that always followed her around. They seemed to be arguing with each other. The slightly taller, lankier one with some type of rainbow looking candy sticking out of his mouth and the blonder, bulkier one rolling his eyes at something the other one was saying while smacking some of the rainbow stuff off his mouth.

Kai wasn't paying any attention to them. Her face was stuffed into a binder seeming to look for something. She wasn't all that pretty. Big brown eyes and freckles smattering her pale nose. Plump pink lips. Auburn hair. Okay, so she wasn't half bad even then, but her body was almost non-existent in one of her signature turtlenecks I'd soon come to despise and baggy jeans.

The reason I was looking at her at all was because my friend Jailen, had asked me what her name was. "Why you want to know that?" I questioned looking at him like he was crazy.

"Because I got to work with her on my English paper." I rolled my eyes.

"Can't she just do it for you?" I knew it was pointless since Jailen always insisted on getting through honestly. We were the only black students at the time in a mostly white school and Jailen felt that he owed it to his heritage and himself to actually try.

That's where we were different. I could care less about my grades. I usually paid someone to do it with the lunch money my mom always gave me. I had Jailen's lunch. His mom always packed a little more for him than he needed.

"Have you ever had a white pussy before?" Deluca asked. My only white friend. I rolled my eyes to cover up the fact that I was embarrassed because the truth is, at the time, I was scared to ever have any girl that wasn't my color. My mom used to say that white girl's parts were different from black girls. She said that if a black boy ever tried to enter a white girl's vagina, the girl's vagina would grow teeth suddenly and bite off my penis and then I could never have sex with any girl - regardless of their color - again.

"What does it matter?" Jailen asked. "I don't even know the girl's name. I'm not going to start frenching."

"Who said anything about frenching?" Deluca said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. "Besides, her name's Kai and I heard she's a virgin." Which wasn't unheard of since we were thirteen after all and I only ever had sex with two other girl's at the time.

"I heard if you have sex with a white girl and you're a black guy, teeth will come out of their pussy and bite your dick off." I said seriously, not adding that my mom was my source.

Deluca and Jailen both shared a look before bursting out laughing. "Who told you that?" Deluca asked after a second, calming down.

"People." I said defensively.

"Your mom?" Jailen asked and I just rolled my eyes not answering.

"Why don't you ask her if teeth ever come out of her vagina and while you're at it, ask her out on a date." Deluca says.

"And what's in it for me?" I asked, gazing at the redhead who was done sifting through her binder and was now standing in between the two white boys, seeming to act as a divider for the two.

"Twenty dollars if she says yes." Deluca holds out two tens.

"Where'd you get twenty dollars?" Jailen asked, taking the money and examining it, like it wasn't real.

Deluca grabbed the money from out of Jailen's grasp and stuffed it back in his pocket. "My mom thinks lunch is expensive." He shrugs.

Little did I know that that was the moment that my life would change forever. When I had some time to sit on the idea. Of this baby being mine, I started to kind of like the idea.

I started to think that maybe having this baby would somehow bind Kai to me. That it wouldn't matter what I did because now that she was having my baby, she was indebted to me. She was stuck with me.

So, I started testing the waters. The day after my baby popped out of her she had to go back to school. I pretended I was sick and I sent her the text that I pretended was by accident. Like I didn't know it wasn't Marissa's number I was texting, but I did know.

I guess I just wanted to see if she would actually dump me after receiving that text from me. She didn't.

But, the thing that made her dump me was much more worse and sinister. Apparently, Kai had her limits. I couldn't just force her to stay. I had to bide my time. Make sure I played the game right.

Kai doesn't realize that she belongs to me. She thinks she has a choice in this. Whatever gave her that idea. She's probably watching too much Oprah. If you ask me, I think that lady just needs a good fucking. I'd be happy to offer up my services. Too bad I don't fuck woman over twenty-five. Just ask my very handsy doctor.

"Dinner's ready." Mom yelled.

"Be there in a minute!" I yelled back and that was when I realized I was masturbating to the thought of finally over powering Kai and that I just creamed my pants.

"Just great." I muttered to myself as I took off my pants.

"Mom, after dinner I'm going out. Gonna stop by Kai's workplace." I informed her. Mom thinks Kai works at a gas station. She has no idea that she's a bartender there. Too bad she isn't a stripper or she could give me a lap dance.

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