(6) Noah

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Song above is called Make It Happen by Mariah Carey. I do not own the song or video, but it goes well with this chapter if you want to give it a listen! Hope you enjoy this chapter! We finally get to meet Noah and we even get a little bit of the chapter told through Noah's point of view! Vote and comment! Happy reading thank y'all for supporting me and checking out my story thus far! It means a lot to me! Don't forget to check out my other story that is finished called 'worth it', plus I published three stories onto Amazon too. :) <3 <3

Finding Her Voice: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Her-voice-Ashley-petit-ebook/dp/B08K5M6T9Y    

Girl With No Filter: https://www.amazon.com/Girl-No-Filter-Ashley-Petit/dp/1798237644.      

She Thought She Knew Everything: https://www.amazon.com/She-Thought-Knew-Everything-teenager-ebook/dp/B07S4CSZ1Q

I feel my eyes start to come out of their sockets. My mouth dropped to the floor.

I take a deep breath, composing myself. I enter through the door and I nod my thanks to Noah without really ever looking into his eyes.

I hear him close the door behind me. With him still in it.

Noah is about 6'1. So when I see him at school, he usually has a good five inches on me because I never wear heels outside of Strip Tease. He has dark brown hair. His hair is styled so that he has a curly side bang on the right side of his face. He has pale green eyes, pale skin, a nose ring and a lot of tattoos. Maybe even more than I have. He has tattoos on his hands, his fingers, neck, his arms, and although I've never seen him without a shirt on or jeans I'm sure he has tattoos there too.

I'm thankful for my mask because if I didn't have it on, he'd recognize me and I'd rather not be insulted while I'm working.

The day Noah first moved here, I was thirteen and just navigating life with the Davis's and my two day old little girl.

Five years ago

"Did you see the new guy?" Teagan asks me and Clay as he pops a few skittles from his lunch in his mouth. You might be thinking that that is just his desert and he already ate his real lunch, but you'd be wrong.

Teagan is always eating candy. In fact I don't think I've ever seen him without candy in his hand.

"Was I supposed to?" Clay asks, rolling his eyes as he doodles on his skin with a sharpie. I know it's not good for you to do that to your skin. He knows it too.

But, try getting the boy to stop. It's a losing battle.

"Well, yeah." Teagan says, as if he can't imagine Clay not being kept up to date with the latest gossip of eighth grade. "You saw him. Didn't you, Kai?" Teagan asks me.

Here's the thing. Teagan is the gossip of our group while Clay and I are more of the loner types. I usually just keep my head down and try to keep myself from wondering if Royal is alright. My two day old baby.

So, when Teagan asks me if I'm keeping up to date on some new guy, of course I'm not because I have much bigger things on my mind. "Dude. I just had a bun in the oven." I defend myself. "You think I have time to worry about some new guy?"

I look down at my tray to see that the pizza has an actual bug in it. God, I have got to start bringing my own lunches.

"Oh, yeah." Teagan says. "How is the little rascal?"

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