(19) Where Little Girls Sleep

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"You can't go in with me." I say to Noah when I see him start to unbuckle his seat belt. We're currently outside of Shanice and Tyrone's house and I don't think accusing their son of stealing my child is going to go down all that well. So, if I show up with another guy while doing it? I think that'll just be the frosting on top of the cupcake. Bad analogy, but still. Plus, he's white and they're black. I know, everyone always claims that race has nothing to do with it in situations like these, but it always seems to crawl its way back up, making me remember how very white I am compared to them. Hell, even compared to my own daughter.

I expect Noah to fight back with me. Tell me he's coming whether I want him to or not because that's always been me and Noah's dynamic. One of us gives the other orders and the other one of us disobeys.

What I don't expect is for Noah to just nod his head, keep the engine still running and look at me with such concern in his eyes, it hurts. "If you need me, call." And then he gives me my phone.

"I don't have your number." I say confused.

Noah's look of concern turns sheepish. "Before any of this ever happened, I may have put my number into your phone as Master Noah." The way he admits this, almost as if he regrets his actions is so different and unlike the Noah I'm used to dealing with, it almost has me laughing. I think in any other circumstance, with my daughter not being kidnapped by her supposed father, I would've, but since this isn't any other situation. Since that is my reality right now. That Tyrus might have kidnapped his own daughter from me -- the mother -- just to prove a point is what I am going through right now. I don't think I could ever laugh at anything. Not until I know my daughter is safe. Not until my daughter is in my arms.

So, instead of laughing like I wish I could I just nod and tuck my phone into my back pocket. "If I need you, I'll text you." I say to him, before opening the car door to Teagan's Jeep and walking away to Tyrus' house, hoping that it'll be easy. That Royal will somehow be tucked away in a corner with her grandparents laughing. Maybe Miranda somehow had gotten the name Tyrus confused with Tyrone.

Maybe it really was a family emergency, even if I wasn't aware of it. Yet. But, when has life ever been that easy?


I knock on the door. I wait.

I don't hear any little girl giggles on the other end. Instead, all I hear is silence. Silence and-- footsteps.

And then the door opens and out pops Tyrone. "Shanice isn't going to like those piercings very much." Is what he says by way of greeting before heading back into the house, leaving the door open.

Of course that's the first thing he can say. Not, how are you? How's Royal? Just commenting about my piercings that I forgot to take out so I didn't have to hear anything from Shanice.

Whatever. I got bigger fish to fry than their lack of manners.

"Can I interest you in a beer? Or wine?" Tyrone always offers me liquor when I'm around as if that's the answer to gauging whether I am pregnant again. I wonder what they'll do if I am pregnant again, but there's no time for that. I have to remember who I came here for. What is at stake.

"Is Royal here?" I ask, ignoring his question and getting right to the reason why I'm here. I don't have a lot of time after all.

"Why would Royal be here?" Shanice asks from out of nowhere with a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Shanice." Tyrone gestures to his mouth and Shanice just wipes it with the back of her sleeve.

"Royal was at a sleepover with--"

"Her white friend." Shanice interrupts, but not in a rude way. Just in her usual intrusive way.

"Grace." I say. "And the mother, Miranda, had called to tell me that Tyrus had picked Royal up saying it was a family emergency and that I had asked him to."

"Well, you probably just forgot that you asked him in all your confusion." Shanice shrugs as she starts picking up the wrappers littered near the couch.

"With all respect Mrs. Davis, I didn't forget that I had told Tyrus to pick up my child from her sleepover. I wouldn't forget something like that." I grind my teeth. My hands become fists at my sides.

"Well, Tyrus wouldn't do that to you. He's not that kind of a man. We didn't raise him to be that way and if he did do that to you he must have had a damn good reason."

"Mrs. Davis--"

Mrs. suddenly stops picking up trash and gives me this stern expression. She points a demanding finger in my direction. "Now, Don't go Mrs. Davis me!" She warns, her voice rising in volume. "This is my house and I refuse to just sit back while you accuse my son of purposefully not telling you where his daughter is. He wouldn't do that. My son spends as much time as he can with that little girl. Take her out for ice cream, to the movie theaters or out to dinner. There is nothing my son wouldn't do for that little girl."

I gulp, instead of feeling thoroughly chastised like she probably hoped that speech would make me feel, my mind is stuck on something she said. "Wait. Tyrus takes Royal out alone?" I ask, making sure I understand what she's saying and hoping to God I have it wrong.

That by some miracle, I might need to have my ears examined and that Shanice did not just tell me that Tyrus takes Royal out alone.

"Well, yeah." Now, Shanice looks a little unsure of herself, probably because of the way I'm looking at her. Like I've seen a ghost. I'm sure my skin is even paler than it usually is. My skin feels like it's boiling over. "But, only ever to take her to things. Like the movies or ice cream. Just like I said." She looks back at her husband as if to ask him why I'm acting so weird. He just shrugs his shoulders, continuing to drink his cold brew in silence.

"And you never thought to supervise these visits?" I'm sure my voice is rising. I don't mean it too. I just feel so freaking nervous all of a sudden.

I feel stupid. I should have known the reason as to why Royal didn't seem all that fond to see her father. She loves everyone.

"He's practically a grown man! I didn't think he'd need me watching over him while he was with her." Shanice defends herself.

"Why not? You always did it with me." I point out.

"You're not my son." She tries to justify.

I scoff. "No, I'm not and you've done nothing, but make that clear from the very minute your son got pregnant with a white girl." And then I turn my back on them and leave. I don't give them the satisfaction of the last word. They don't deserve it.

When I get in the Jeep I put on my seat belt, looking straight ahead. "Drive." I tell him and he does immediately.

"Where to?" Noah asks.

I have a feeling I know where Royal is and if one thing is for certain, I know that I am not letting Tyrus get away with whatever he's been up to behind my back anymore.

All I see is red. Red I'm hoping that will turn into Tyrus' blood. Nothing would be more satisfying to me right about now other than that and having Royal safe and in my arms, of course.

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