(29) Love

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I drive and I drive and I don't stop until I get to Noah's shed. I can't risk my sisters finding out where Royal and I are so I go where they can't find us. A place they can't possibly know about.

I knock on the door and there isn't an answer. Scared of what I might find, I tell Royal to go inside the car and not to get out until I say so.

And then I open the door to find Noah---


We needed to destroy our sister. Kai. She wasn't like us. She was going to destroy everything.

If word got out on what I did, I would be ruined. I'm a fashion designer and a damn good one. I can't risk people knowing what I did.

And I knew she was getting close to Noah. It was just a matter of time before he spilled the beans and now it's time to put my plan to action.


Kai found me icing my sores.

"I thought I scared you off." I say to Kai, trying not to show my emotions and how I feel relieved that she came back.

And then she does something I never would have expected Kai to do. She comes to me and her lips are on mine. She is kissing me with all she has.

It takes me a second to kiss her back, but when I do I kiss her rough and hard. Soft and tender. Anyway, I can kiss her. Her tongue enters my mouth and we explore each other's mouth and that's when I feel it.

A tear sliding down Kai's cheek. I break away from the kiss, still breathing in her air. "What's wrong?" I ask her, confused.

"I'm just so sorry that happened to you." She says. "I hate that they did this to you and if I could, I would take away all your pain."

"Does that mean you forgive me?" I ask.

She breaks away from me completely. "It means I love you too." She says.

"I never-" I start to say.

"You don't have to." And that's when I realize Kai is the girl for me. She was built for me.

"Mom! Can I come out now?" We both laugh.

"You brought the kid?" I ask.

"I had to. I couldn't risk Amanda and Kayla finding us." She says like a true mom would.

"Can we stay here for a while, until we figure out what to do?"

"Of course." I say. I wouldn't want it any other way.

She starts to go retrieve Royal, but I stop her. "Kai?"


"I love you," I told her because I needed to say it.

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