(31) First Times

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My mom knows where I am currently residing with Noah.

She says she doesn't know what's going on and I don't know whether to believe her or not. She hasn't tried anything yet, but in case she decides to, I brought Royal to stay with Candy which was hard to do, but she promised to take care of her and I knew that they would. So, at least there's that.

It's only temporary, I keep telling myself. Just until I can get my sisters to back the fuck off.

Teagan likes having the apartment all to himself while I'm gone, but always makes sure to check in on me to make sure I'm okay.

No one really knows what's going on, except for Noah and me because I didn't want to worry them. I still go into work at the tattoo shop and everything is normal.

Except that I miss Royalty like the air I haven't let out since I gave her up to Candy. Candy, who was shocked I decided to give Royal to her and was wondering where I was. We had a long chat. "You're my only possible option." I explained. My sisters knew where I worked, thus knowing where my friends lived and my mom knew about the shed I was currently residing with Noah. So, that option was just too risky.

"I'll take good care of her." Candy reassured me and I believed her. I mean, she had kids of her own and I knew in my heart that I was doing the right thing, even though letting Royal go, even temporarily, was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

"I'll be back before you know it." I told her, kissing her forehead.

"Okay, mom." She said sweetly, not realizing the severity of the situation.

And that's how it's been. It's been a week of being with Noah. Acting like everything is completely normal.

After a week of no contact because I was busy working and Noah was busy with the strip club, the first chance we got at the shed, we are on each other like a bug stuck to a shoe... but more romantic and less gross.

Noah can't peel my clothes off of me fast enough. The second we have some alone time together, we are as eager as two pubescent teens. Probably because we aren't far from being those pubescent teens.

"I have to tell you something." He says in the middle of un-clipping my bra.

"Now?" I ask, beyond dazed and horny. Noah's lips travel to my neck as his fingers go to the zipper of my jeans. I shimmy out of them and my panties at the same time and just like that I am before Noah naked.

He stops touching me, taking a moment to just look at me and take it all in. I would feel insecure if his gaze wasn't traveling up and down my body so hungrily.

And then he confesses something I never thought would be true. "I'm a virgin." He confesses just like that. "I mean, your sisters took everything from me and technically my virginity, but I never did it outside of them so I'd like to think that doesn't count as my first time." He babbles sheepishly.

I gulp, realizing the milestone this is for Noah. After my sister took what she did from him, he never again put himself in that vulnerable position again. Meaning, if he is doing this here and now with me, then I must be pretty special. Right?

I kiss away Noah's insecurities. I kiss his soft and supple lips, sucking and devouring his mouth in all the right places, telling him what my words can't. That I love him. That I'm honored to be his first.

And then we are stripping Noah of his shirt. His undershirt. His pants and boxers until he is completely nude in front of me revealing his nine inch dick. Not that I have a measuring tape with me or anything. I haven't seen many dicks in my life, but I know big and his is huge.

I doubted I could take all of him and I think he could see that in my expression because Noah laughed suddenly.

"What?" I said, laughing a little too, startled.

"Your expression is priceless." He says. "I'm sorry." And then he stops laughing and just like that, we're back to being serious. "When did you get this pierced?" Noah touches my nipple and a jolt of electricity ripples through me. He sees my expression and starts fondling my breasts. Tweaking my pierced nipples in all their glory.

"A-a few months a-ago." I stutter barely being able to get the sentence out and then he takes my right boob in his mouth still while heavily fondly my left one and I think I forget my own name for a good ten seconds just getting used to being worshiped and feeling out what that is like.

Tyrus never did foreplay. Unless it was me sucking his cock, he wasn't interested and I never knew sex could be this fulfilling. That it wasn't just about the main act.

Noah's tongue swirls my nipple and around it, lightly nipping the area with his teeth bringing me to the peak of euphoria. He moves to my other nipple, licking and sucking like a champ and I find myself deep breathing like I just ran ten miles.

And then his dick is grazing my entrance as we move to the bed as quickly as possible. "Condom!" We both speak at the same time, but it's too late. He's already starting to graze my inner walls and I can't for the life of me make him stop now.

"I'm on the pill." I told him. "I'm clean. I get checked every month." I say.

"Good, because I doubt I could stop now even if I tried." He says and that is our first time. Him thrusting into me in equal tandem to my shrieks and moans of pleasure, knowing I'm the only one he's ever been with like this. It makes me feel extremely loved and cared for.

We both hit our peak of release at the same time, both screaming each other's names. I've never felt more fulfilled in my life. 

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