(1) Baby Girl

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(Everything I do) I do it for you by: Bryan Adams. This song describes Kai's love for Royal perfectly! I don't own the song or video, but this song is the right song to set the mood for the chapter! Anyway, enjoy this chapter peoples! Happy reading! It means the world to me that you are taking the time out of your day to read this! Vote and comment, please!! :) <3 <3

"Ow! Fuck!" I screamed out as I squeezed Teagan's hand, also known as my best friend. "I thought you said that this wasn't going to hurt that much." I say, needing to put the blame on someone to distract myself from Clay piercing my other nipple.

"Well," Teagan starts. "How am I supposed to know if a nipple piercing hurts or not? I'm a guy." He points out and I roll my eyes.

"Dude," Clay interjects as he starts to pierce my other nipple. "Guys have nipples too, so that's not a very good defense line."

"Doesn't mean I've gotten my nipples pierced." Teagan retorts.

"Then why did you talk such a--" Clay pierces my other nipple, thus making me unable to speak anything other than, "FUUUUUUUCK!" Of course.

Meet my two best friends: Clay and Teagan.

Teagan, who is tall and skinny. Afraid of needles and carries this boyish sort of look to him. He has light brown hair, brown eyes, a tan complexion and those adorable dimples.

Clayton who goes by Clay is just slightly above average height, but packs a lot of muscles. Works at a tattoo parlor, piercing dumb people like me. Wish I could say this is his first time piercing me, but I'd be lying of course. This is his ninth time piercing me. Yep. Not joking. Anyway, he has blonde hair, blue eyes and pasty skin.

He's more rugged looking than Teagan, but both are cute in their own way. Plus, they are amazing friends that any girl like me would be lucky to have.

My name is Kai. I have fifteen piercings and even more tattoos. I don't really know why I do it. Maybe it's a sort of armor. I may not always show them, but I don't know. I barely have enough free time and getting piercings and tattoos on those rare days I do have the time and money to spare? It feels freaking amazing!


"Mom?" Royal runs from the bathroom into the kitchen where I'm currently trying to make her lunch for her first day of school.

Kindergarten. No more preschool. I kind of can't believe this is happening. I mean, I'm pretty sure it was only yesterday that she was walking. How can this be happening? How can Royal already be five years old?

And I'm just eighteen.

Royal rushes into my arms and I pick her up and hold her, stroking her long and thick kinky hair. Having darker skin and being half African-american (from dad's side) and half Irish (from my side) people always think that I'm baby-sitting her when they see us together.

And when I tell them that she is my daughter? There are always those looks I get. Those judge-y ones that suggest that they know more about me than I do and I should not be having a five year old daughter who is another culture than me. Never mind that I am only eighteen and already have a five year old daughter.

"What happened?" I put her down gently while crouching down to her eye level. All my attention firmly on Royalty. Royal for short.

"Well." She nibbles on her fingernails lightly and I swipe them away as gently as I can. I'm trying to get her to stop that habit, but like all bad habits they are hard to break. "When I went to turn on the water for a bath it squirted out fast and I got scared." This always happens.

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