(12) What You Hide

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I get to class. Eventually. I also got a tardy and a detention today after school which is fun.

I go to second period which for me is graphic design. I like graphic design. I don't like that I missed ten minutes of that class.

But what can a girl do?

It helps that Clay is also there. He makes me feel more like a normal high school student who can't wait till they get to graduate.

Even if I'm not. Obviously.

When I enter the class Mr. Nelson asks for my pass so I hand him my slip and sit in the back next to Clay.

"People are saying Noah and you are having a threesome with Marissa." Clay says casually as he continues drawing his paper as if he just asked about the weather.

I feel like if I had water this would be a good time to do a spit take. "Since when do you listen to gossip?" I ask as I open up my pro folio that Clay had laid on my desk for me.

"I have my sources." He says simply. I roll my eyes.

We both know who those sources are. They're the same source I have.


If it weren't for our little social butterfly both of us would be happily in the dark. Most times we prefer it. Times like these though, apparently Clay would rather be informed.

And then I get a ping, notifying me that I got a text message.

Mr. Nelson looks to the class for the culprit. "No phones!" He says.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask him.

Mr. Nelson gives me a look. The look that says can you believe this kid? "Why? So you can text your boyfriend?"

"It might be Royal." I explain and because Mr. Nelson has kids himself, he nods curtly.

"Five minutes or you get detention."

I don't bother telling him that I already have detention, instead I just thank him, take the bathroom pass and leave.

And just as I am walking down the hallway, towards the bathrooms I get yanked into an empty classroom. 

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