(17) To Possess

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Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton. It goes along with the chapter. if you want to play it. Vote and comment! Thank you and hope you enjoy! :) <3 <3 Happy reading

Warning: Some disturbing content ahead!!


After class, I head to detention and see that both Teagan and Clay are there sitting separately.

Why are they in detention? It probably has something to do with the fact that both of them are sitting far apart. Teagan, who is our social butterfly is sitting in the front row and in true detention form, he is on his phone because the teacher isn't here yet.

And Clay is sitting on the way back and drawing on himself with a sharpie with the remaining skin that isn't already filled with ink. I decided to sit with Clay. Nothing against Teagan, but in case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly social positive either.

"Traitor." Teagan growls as he watches me sit down next to Clay. I roll my eyes. "Why don't you just sit with us? You know we don't like to sit in the front row, butt head."

Teagan pops a few rainbow colored candy into his mouth that came out of his pocket and gives me a look. "I'm not sitting next to him." Teagan puts emphasis on the him part and nudges his head in Clay's direction without even glancing at him.

I look at Clay who continues to draw what appears to be Teagan's head infested with ants and drowning in a pit of fire. Lovely. "Would one of you care to explain?" I ask no one in particular.

"He thought Daviellie liked him, but Daviellie actually liked me and had kissed me in the hallway by my locker." I raise my eyebrows.

"Who's Daviellie?" I ask both of them, feeling like an idiot.

Teagan, in true dramatic fashion, slams both his hands on the desk which is when the teacher decides to walk in and he gives Teagan a glare. Teagan sits in the last row next to me so he can tell the story. "Only the hottest girl in our school." I clear my throat pointedly and blink my eyes rapidly.

Teagan ignores me and continues talking. "Daviellie is 5'3 with flowing brown hair and the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen and tanner than tan skin." He says in true dream boy fashion.

"And why was this Daviellie kissing Clay?" I ask Teagan.

"Because she heard that I liked her." Teagan says simply as if that solves everything.

"Then why didn't she kiss you?" I ask, still hopelessly confused.

Teagan blows out a breath, clearly frustrated. "Because she thought clay was me."

"Okay, but if she kissed him, then why are you mad at him? Clay pushed her off him and cleared up the confusion, right?" I ask and Teagan just shoots daggers at Clay who is furiously drawing on his arm like it is his mission in life.

"Right?" I ask Clay, even though I already know the answer.

Clay finally stops drawing and puts the sharpie on the desk. "How was I supposed to know she was your Daviellie? All I knew is that there was a pair of lips that were kissing my pair of lips. I was talking to you and when she pulled me away, I had no clue who she was. All I knew is that she was a girl and she was a good kisser." Clay exclaims and when he looks up to tell Teagan all this I realize why they are in detention.

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