(24) Damn, my ovaries can't take all this testosterone

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Just so you guys know, the picture above is one I didn't do because I'm not that great of an artist and that drawing is obviously very amazing! Anyways, I just showed it on here as it goes with this chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in over two weeks and then this chapter is super short, but I am going to try and update more this week to make up for my two week hiatus. I hope y'all had a great Easter! My mom surprised me with this great smutty book series (the Fallen Men series by Giana Darling), cannolis and antipasto! Anyway, happy reading! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to like and comment! :) <3 <3


I was in the middle of sketching this really elaborate drawing of the scary clown who terrorizes children from 'it' because a guy wanted something different, but at the same time, scary. And what is more scarier than Penny Wise? I decided to attack the sadistic clown from a side angle and made it so that his teeth were showing like a rabid dog. His hair, a red puff, sat on top of the clown's head.

And then my phone comes to life with some up beat song signaling that someone is calling me. I grab it from the side of my desk, and am about to hit the decline button when I see the caller ID. Candy. One quick glance at the time on my phone and I see that it's eight at night on a Monday. I guess she's taking the slow shift and she rarely calls when she's on shift in the first place.

I look to where Dani is tattooing a woman's face with a few stars on the right side near her hair line and decide to get her attention. "Is it okay if I take this call real quick? It's one of my stripper friends." That gets the attention of the girl Dani's working on. Her eyes flicking over to me curiously. "She wouldn't call at this time if it wasn't important." I explain.

Clay scoffs from where he's piercing a woman's belly button. I decide to ignore him because what does he know? Dani doesn't even glance up at me and at first I wonder if she even heard me, but then she says that I've been working hard and it's alright. "Just make sure you don't take too long since you are our receptionist and all." Dani adds.

"Thank you." I say and pick up the phone. I walk to the back room where Royal is currently hanging out with her aunt Chloe. She's giving her some fake tattoos that make Royal squeal with happiness and it's something for her to do, so I don't mind.

"You okay?" I ask, not waiting for niceties because Candy has never really been one for that anyway.

"Here's the thing--" Candy starts in and I suck in a deep breath because nobody ever has good news for you when delivering that line.

"Yes?" I encourage as I notice Candy going silent for a second.

"Sorry. Got distracted for a moment. I didn't mean to tell him. It just sort of happened. He's really convincing and I was kind of sweaty from giving someone a lap dance." She babbles on and on and I wonder what she is saying until I hear Dani say nice and loud "Damn, my ovaries can't take all this testosterone!" I kid you not. She flat out said that.

And for some reason chills creep up my neck and I have a feeling whoever just came into Muse Tattoos is the reason for Candy's call. "Thanks for telling me." I say in a daze and hang up.

Chloe and Royal come out of the backroom just then. Royal decked in all out tattoo galore. "How do I look mommy?" Like you're going to need a shower later on, is what I don't say. Instead, I find myself faking a grin and hauling Royal up in my arms.

"Like my beautiful princess!" I tell her and she giggles in delight. I wish I could giggle too, but I can't. I mean, I already get funny looks when people see me with a little girl. People don't think I'm a good parent just because I got pregnant at a young age and on top of it, I look like a freak with all my tattoos and piercings. I can't let people see Royal this way. I'll never let it down, but I can't hurt Chloe's feelings either since she was just trying to keep Royal entertained and she did ask me.

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