(33) Horror

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It's been two weeks without my baby. Two whole weeks. 

I can't breathe without her. Not knowing where my girl is is even harder than having to give her up for a short period of time. 

But then the last person I ever expected to knock on my door does. 

"I think I might know where Royal is." Marissa Sinclair said.


I slapped Marissa hard. "I deserved that." She says, clutching her cheek.

"You think?" I yell. "Where the fuck is my baby and how in the world do you know her name?"

"Can I come in?" She asks. Noah is at the strip club, so I'm alone with someone I don't trust one bit, but might have the answers I need.

"Fine." I say, opening the door for her. It's not like I have a choice. She might know where Royal is which is more than I ever knew.

"I got raped by Tyrus." She hits that bomb on me. "He threatened my sister saying he'd get with her if I didn't fuck him. I thought it was just going to be one time with just us." Marissa breaks down crying. "I never wanted Royal to get involved."

"What?" I asked, shocked. I want what she said to be a lie. No way could what she said be true when I have tried my hardest to shield Royal from all the evil in the world.

"Tyrus." She says. "Tyrus would... He would..." She chokes up, then takes a deep breath. "Would whip me and make Royal whip me too. He would make Royal watch as he kept having sex with me. " 

And after she ruins my whole life with that admission, she tells me the address he would always take her.

And then she leaves. 

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