(13) Maybe We Should

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"The hell?" I try to yell out, but the hand muffling me stops me from doing so. So, I do the only logical thing I can think to do in a situation like this one. I bite it. Hard.

They swear and let go of my mouth. I turn around and see Tyrus shaking his hand out.

"Didn't you get my text?" Tyrus exclaims, nursing his injured hand.

"If I did, do you think we'd be in this situation right now?" I defend. I mean, it's not my fault he decided to attack me like that. He's lucky I didn't kick his baby maker.

"What do you want?" I ask him after he seems to have stopped with the dramatics. Guys have a way of making a big deal out of nothing. Just saying.

"I just wanted to say-" He can't even finish that sentence. He swears again. "Are your teeth made out of metal?" And now I kind of feel bad for him. I mean, I did bite his hand.

"Let me see it." I hold out my hand expectantly. He eyes it suspiciously. What does he expect me to do? Bite him, again?

"Quit being a baby and give me your hand!" I pry it out of his grip and I hear Tyrus's sigh of defeat as he succumbs to his fate. I start to massage his hand in my hands. Where the big bite mark is I dig my two thumbs in around that sore methodically. I hear him moan in ecstasy and I quickly stop because this is getting weird. I wasn't looking to give him pleasure. Just to fix a mistake I made.

He cheated on me. Plenty of times. Now that ship has sailed. We are simply just co-parents. I do most of the work. I guess, me and his parents are more co-parents than Tyrus, but whatever. I'm not complaining. They're a huge help, so...

"I was just thinking." Tyrus starts.

"It is never good when you think." I say and he laughs it off. Even though I'm dead serious. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to think. Tyrus is one of those people. Nothing good comes of him using his brains. You may think I'm exaggerating, but I know I'm not.

"Maybe we should date again." 

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