(9) Am I gonna Make It?

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Hiya peoples! I know I haven't updated in awhile, but this chapter should make up for it because it is about 900 words more than usual and that's not even including this author's note. :) Happy reading! I hope you enjoy and that all is well in your world and if it isn't, that this chapter provides for you what it did for me while writing it. Which was a bit of a distraction from life. We all need that every once and awhile, you know? All right! Vote and comment! I hope you love this chapter as much as I loved writing it! I took me three whole days to write. Not joking, but I think it was worth it. I hope you do too! :) <3 <3

"You're sick?" I ask, not really believing Royal. I am currently driving in Teagan's jeep to our apartment with Royal in her car seat in the back.

"Yes. It just came on all of a sudden." Royal confirms.

"You don't just get sick out of the blue." I look at Royal from in the mirror wondering where her head is at and why she won't just come out and tell me whatever it is that happened to her.

When she still doesn't say anything I sigh. "Royalty, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Right and I would if anything happened, but since nothing did can we just drop it?" Royal asks.

"You were crying, Royal!" I press.

"Because I felt like throwing up, okay? It happens."

"Are you okay, now?" I ask, feeling concerned for her health. "Maybe I should get you to see a doctor." I suggest.

"Mom it's fine. I'm fine. Just drop it." Royal says.

I huff in frustration. "Fine. It's dropped."


When we're in our apartment, Royal immediately stalks off to her room. "Do you want me to make you something to eat?" I call after her.

"I'm fine. Thank you." She answers from in the confines of her room.

Why is it that I feel like I'm dealing with a teenager even if she's only five?

I sigh and decide to sit on the couch and watch something on TV. I find a mediocre TV show and I decide to just watch it if only for the noise.

And then suddenly it occurs to me that I am now four thousand dollars richer, plus the tips I made on my first shift. I get out my wallet from my back pocket.

Sure enough I fish out about five thousand dollars. Oh my God! I can't believe this. Noah may be the biggest jerk ever, but I might just owe him.

Which, if I'm being honest does not really sit well with me. Then again, he did do a lot of mean things to me in the past and I doubt this momentary lapse of sanity on his part changes anything, so in a way he owes me and I'd say that four grand is just the cherry on top of that big old sundae.


I feel something or someone cling to me in the middle of the night and I look over only to see Royal's big brown eyes staring into mine. Her hair is currently a big, frizzy afro as it usually becomes over the course of the night. Her small hands clutch my middle and I smile groggily.

"You okay?" I check and she just nods, closing her eyes sleepily. Her head is laying on my chest, which irritates my nipples just a little, but I can't bear to move her.

So, I bear the pain. I run my fingers through her hair. The afro is filled with kinks. It seems we will have our work cut out for us in the morning.

When I first had to do Royal's hair, I had no clue how to move hair that wouldn't budge and so, Shanice helped me, begrudgingly I might add. She said it was only so Royalty wouldn't look like a ragamuffin.

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