(22) Muse Tattoos

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When we get to Muse Tattoos, Teagan says he'll be a minute which I take as he's going to be pouting in his Jeep, all alone with only Toni Braxton to mend his heart until Clay woman's up and apologizes. This happens more than you would think. One of them hurting the other's feelings and the other being too stubborn to admit to their wrongdoings. I guess that's just Clay and Teagan for you.

"Why is Teagan crying weirdly?" Royal asks as she looks into the mirror of the tattoo shop, seeing Teagan crying while also belting out a song.

"Because he's Teagan." I say, not really having much of an answer for her, but that. Royal seems to be satisfied with that because she just nods her head.

"What are you guys looking at?" Dani questions as she sidles up near me and Royal, looking into the window with us. "Oh, boy." Dani shakes her head as the scene unfolds in front of her. She stands up from her crouching position and turns around.

"Clay, look at the mess you've created!" I look in the back of me to see Dani furiously taking Clay  by the arm and then putting her hands on either side of his face so that he is forced to look at Teagan ugly cry.

"Okay! Okay!" Clay takes his sister's hands off of him and puts his hands up in surrender. "I'll go apologize. Geesh." Dani nods in approval and I have to hand it to her. Girl knows how to take control of a situation.

I hold up my hand for a high five and Dani high five's me back and as we do this, Clay takes a very long time going to the door and then as he reaches the door, he looks back at us, as if for mercy. "Woman up, man!" Royal says and I have never been prouder in her in that moment.

I pick Royal up in my arms and note how big she's getting as I do. I won't be able to pick her up pretty soon. Damn! I bounce her a few times and she giggles. By the time I put her down, Clay is out the door and headed for Teagan's Jeep.

And that's when Dani's parent's James and Chloe make an appearance. "Hey, sweetheart!" Chloe greets with the biggest grin on her face as she picks up Royal in her arms. "Ooh! Dang, you're getting too big for this!" She says, pretending to drop her and Royal squeals.

"Hi auntie Chloe!" She's called Chloe that since last year and she was flattered that she was considered an aunt instead of grandma.

James embraces me in his arms. "Long time. No see!" He says as he holds me at arms length.

"I know. You have to stay for dinner!" Chloe says.

"I would, but Royal is going to visit her grandparents and father, so I thought I'd come along. I haven't been with them in awhile." I shrug, trying to be casual even though they know that Tyrus's grandparents don't like me.

"Oh, come on! We never get to see you guys anymore." Chloe protests and I give her a sheepish smile. I think Royal and I would both rather be here than with the grandparents, but sometimes we have to make sacrifices in order to keep the peace and it's not as if I'm letting Royal stay alone with them anymore. Not after knowing that Tyrus is alone with her. I'm not letting that happen anymore.

"Some other time." I say and they agree reluctantly.


Just as I'm dredging my way over to where Teagan is crying in true dramatic fashion, I hear the sound of an engine revving.

I look Teagan's way and realize he is no longer crying, but looking at me with an evil eye and his Jeep is moving. Moving in my direction.

Or right where I am walking, I guess would be more accurate.

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