(15) Royal Lies

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Alyssa Lies by: Jason Michael is the song and video above. Don't own it, but it kind of goes along with this chapter. Vote and comment cause I appreciate it. Happy reading! :) <3 <3

She lies.
Lies when she says she's fine.
Lies when she says she loves her daddy.
Lies when she says nothing bad is happening.

The little girl lies.
Lies to the teacher
When she asks her 
what her dream meant.
If she was being abused at home.

The little girl lies
because she knows how it goes
by now.

The little girl knows
that the teacher 
doesn't really care
about her.

The teacher is just asking
to free her conscience.
So that when she goes to sleep
she can reassure herself
that she did all she could.

The teacher asked the little girl
what her mutters were.

The little girl said it was just a dream.
Just a temporary side affect
of the aftermath that a scary movie
had on me.

I am fine.

That is what the little girl says
to the teacher.

Even if it isn't true.
Even if it is a lie.

That is what the girl says
because she knows
it will make the adult sleep easier tonight.

That is why the little girl Lies.

When I pick up Royal from daycare, she smiles wide and jumps into my arms. I catch her, laughing at her cuteness. Before I can say anything Royal beats me to it.

"Grace's mom offered to bring us to preschool and then pick us up." I look up from Royal and see Grace and her mom in the corner of my eye waiting for Royal by her car.

"Why would they do that?" I bring my attention back to Royal, gripping Royal's arms tightly. I already know the answer, but I want to hear it from her.

"Because Mrs. Rose says we can have a sleepover." And then, as if seeing something in my expression Royal is quick to add, "If it's okay with you of course." I suck in a deep breath.

Miranda is always putting me in positions like these. She makes promises to the girl's before checking in with me to see if it's okay and if I say no I'm the bad guy. What is a mother to do?

"You don't have your car seat." I say even though I already know Miranda has a spare. Grace's old one before Grace begged her mom to get her this sky blue one. Even though Miranda got her a pink one with flowers on it and the one she wanted was meant for boys, Miranda got it for her anyway. I have to admit Miranda is a good mom. If only she was half as good of a person as she is a parent. Then, maybe we would get along just fine.

"Mrs. Rose said I could use her spare." She says, confirming what I already know.

"Alright." I huff out. What else can I say?

"Yay!" Royal cheers and throws her tiny hands around my waist and after a moment, I hug her just as tightly. Kissing the top of her hair, being sure to mind the buns on top of her head that took me forever to get looking so perfect with the help of two whole bottles of hairspray down the drain. "Have fun." I tell her.

And she runs to Grace as Miranda puts them each in their car seat. She goes to the driver's side and I just wave to Miranda as she drives away. We don't talk to each if we don't have to because as you probably already figured out, we don't like each other and only put up with each other for our kids.

I do wish she called me first so that I didn't have to walk all the way here for nothing. I guess exercise is always good. Oh, well.

I see Ms. Carters as she goes back inside the daycare. At least my little girl has her in day care to take care of her when I can't. Ms. Carters has Royal's back I think to myself as I make my way back to the school blessed that at least Sacramento high school isn't too far away from daycare.

At least there's that.

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