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Jake's brows furrowed when he walked into the bullpen. "Rich, what are you doing?"

Rich had been standing in the middle of the bullpen decked out in full black as he cradled a tissue box to his chest tightly. He was also wailing loudly with exaggerated sniffles as he left a trail of crumpled up tissues behind him every step he took.

"I am mourning!" He wept before throwing himself at Jake for a hug.

His eyes widened as he looked around the bullpen for anyone to explain to him what was going on right now. He awkwardly patted Rich on the back before pushing him off, which Rich did not make easy.

"What the hell is going on?" Jake huffed finally as he raised a brow at Rich.

"Look," He pointed a shaky finger towards Jay's desk before blowing his nose loudly into a tissue.

Jake frowned and took a step closer to Jay's desk when he couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. It was upon closer inspection did he figure out what was wrong. The plaque that said 'Jay Halstead' well, it didn't say that anymore.

"Okay, what is going on?" Jake yelled as his head ran a mile a minute trying to understand what all of this meant.

"Are you dumb or are you just trying to hurt me?!" Rich glared at him, "Isn't it obvious? Why are you making me relive the pain?! They broke up!"

"W-what?" Jake gulped as his eyes widened in shock as he looked around for Natasha frantically.

"I'm getting a new handler and my power couple is in shambles!" Rich cried before throwing himself into Rosa's arms who immediately pushed him to the ground, "What is the point of life?"

"What the hell is going on?" Natasha's voice rang as she slowly walked into the bullpen with furrowed brows.

"Oh, my little Cuban pastelitos," Rich sighed before rushing up to her and wrapping her in a tight hug, "I am always here for you whenever you want to talk."

She quickly pushed him away and glared at him. "Don't ever do that again or I will shoot you."

"Is it always like this?" The man that walked in with her asked with a quirked brow.

"Most of the time," She nodded with a sigh.

"I don't want some dumb new handler," Rich continued to complain, completely ignoring the two now, "I mean what boring, desk-jockey, glorified receptionist are they going to send-"

Before he could continue his rant, the man cut in. "Hey," He waved dryly, "Adam Ruzek, the 'dumb new handler'."

Everyone's attention shifted to him all at once, not having noticed him at first. They were all too busy trying to understand why Jay wasn't at his desk and their answer just strolled in.

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