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"Thank you for coming in on your day off. I know you'd all rather be at home, binge-watching media content," Raymond told his squad at their Saturday morning briefing.

"Oh!" Jake cut him off with a teasing smile, "I just started the second season of media content. No spoilers."

"Don't worry Peralta, I'm sure your dad knows exactly where you are in media content. He has to make sure you're not watching anything rated R before bedtime," Natasha smirked, reminding everyone of how Jake had called Raymond 'dad' before the briefing.

Jake opened and closed his mouth as he tried to think of a good enough comeback while the rest of the squad laughed.

"But these evaluations are important," Raymond pulled their attention back to him.

"Sir, I think I speak for all of us-"

"She doesn't," The squad cut Amy off.

She ignored them. "When I say that we can't wait for you to sit in judgment of us."

"Oh, these will be self-evaluations, Santiago."

"Why... se," She frowned before she smiled nervously, "Very wise, sir."

"Nice save," Jake scoffed.

"Also, please stay out of the way of the weekend squad. They are on duty, and the bullpen is theirs."

"I hate the weekend squad," Rosa huffed with her arms crossed, "Detective Lohank shaves at my desk and gets hair all over my computer. My 'R' key is jammed with stubble."

"Well, that explains the email you sent about the 'guesome mude'," Jake laughed.

"Detective Dawson used to leave me dumb notes with hearts," Natasha grumbled with a grimace.

"Used to?" Rosa raised a brow with a smile threatening to make its way onto her face. She knew Natasha had probably threatened him in some completely blunt and 'guesome' way and she couldn't wait to hear how.

"I finally left him a note back. Told if he didn't stop I would stuff his notepad so far down his throat he'd-"

"Dismissed!" Raymond called before she could finish.

"Detective who now?" Jake immediately questioned as he peeked out the window to try and see her 'desk buddy' as Charles called them.

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"Yo," Jake called as he strolled into Raymond's office.

"Peralta asked to be first, which shows how seriously he's begun taking his job," Terry smiled proudly.

"Nope, I just want to get this over with," He shrugged as he gave Raymond a confident smile, "So I have 72 arrests, an 80% clearance rate, but most importantly, I wore a tie sometimes. Now, I have a question for you: Is there any way I can borrow $430,000?"

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