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"Everyone, check your email," Amy all but squealed, "The greatest thing that could ever happen has just happened."

"The girl who beat you for High School valedictorian died?" Jake asked as he sat down at his desk.

"No," She shrugged it off as she read her email with a grin, "'Kevin Cozner requests your presence at Raymond's birthday party.'"

"Who's Kevin Cozner?" Jake tilted his head to the side, "Is he the star of 'Danzes with Wolvez?'"

"He's Captain Holt's husband," Natasha rolled her eyes at Jake's guess, "Captain Raymond Holt."

"We're invited to the Captain's birthday party," Rosa finished for her as she gave Jake a bored look.

"Oh, the Captain's party and whatnot," Jake smiled as he pulled up the email on his computer.

"I can't wait to see the inside of Raymond's house," Amy spaced out as she thought about seeing Raymond's house, "I'm gonna learn everything there is to know about him.

"Amy, can you try and pretend not to be creepy," Natasha sighed, she still remembered how angry Amy got when she saw the same invitation in Natasha's inbox weeks ago.

She gave her a tight smile and excused herself before proceeding to angrily kick the garbage can out on the roof. Everyone watched in a mix of concern and amusement before she realized everyone could see her and awkwardly tried to play it off.

"I bet it's really fancy, like Beauty and the Beast fancy," Charles guessed.

"No, it's probably just an empty, white cube with a USB port in it for him to plug his finger in when he's on sleep mode," Jake corrected him with a smirk.

Before any of them could say anything else, Raymond walked into the bullpen.

"Apparently, my husband Kevin has invited you all to my party. There is very little street parking, no gifts, no singing of Happy Birthday. Should be fun," With that he made his way back into his office.

"Sounds fantastic!" Amy grinned as he turned back to give her a weird look.

"Did you hear that? His husband invited us, not him. He so doesn't want us there," Jake rolled his eyes.

"Yes, he does," Amy scoffed, immediately coming to Raymond's defense although it was more for her own sake.

"Mm, it was kind of a last-minute invite," Gina added before smirking at Amy's sad look,

"Just stirring the pot."

"Why wouldn't Holt want us there?" Amy frowned.

"Because he thinks we're going to embarrass him in front of his husband, which, frankly, is insulting!" Jake huffed as he stood up to accentuate his point. But when he did that he tipped his cereal bowl over, "Oh, man. All the orange soda spilled out of my cereal."

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