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"Halloween," Jake whispered gleefully when he woke up, "Mua-ha-ha-ha. It's heist time. Dah!" He gasped in shock when he turned in bed only to see Natasha already looking at him.

"Thought you could get a head start on heist prep?" She scoffed with a smirk, "Good luck. I'm already dressed."

"Well... I'm also dressed," He dramatically flipped the comforter down, "And I made breakfast. Wait, where are my eggs?" He frowned in confusion. 

"In my belly," Raymond said as he flipped on the lamp, scaring Jake, "Now get a move on. It's heist time."

"I love Halloween!" Jake grinned after a moment of comprehending what had just happened.

"Why can't I move?" Raymond frowned with furrowed brows.

"I put orange soda on the chair," Natasha smirked, "And the floor," She added when Jake put his feet on the ground.

The two gasped in shock and wiggled around trying to get free but it didn't work.

"That stuff's basically orange gorilla glue," She smiled at their struggle before she turned to her boyfriend with a worried frown, "You really shouldn't drink that stuff."

"Never!" He cried as he fidgeted only to fall on his side and get stuck on the floor completely. 

"Then enjoy your sticky sugar prison," She shrugged as she walked out of the room.

"Where are you going? Tasha? Nat?!" Jake called out helplessly before he looked up at Raymond, "She's not really going to leave us, right?"

"No, of course not," He said confidently, "It's Tasha."

At that, their eyes widened in realization that because she was Tasha she would most definitely leave them there.

"Tasha?! Nat?!" They started yelling desperately.

"I think the orange soda attracted an army of fire ants!" Jake yelped as he struggled to get away.

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It took them a while to peel themselves out of Natasha's orange soda trap but they'd managed it. And now Natasha, Jake, and Raymond were in the break room with the rest of the squad explaining this year's Halloween heist rules. Most notable that everyone could join in this time.

Jake rolled his eyes at yet another 'joke' about him going back to prison instead of winning again. "Insult me all you want, for I have only this to say..."

"Victory shall be mine!" His eyes widened when Natasha said the exact same thing in unison. 

"I heard you practicing in the shower," She explained and smirked deviously, "You can't surprise me. Letting me into your life was the worst mistake you ever made."

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