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"What the hell is going on?" Natasha demanded as she marched into the basement where the 99 had their secret Figgis meetings.

Everyone turned to her with shock clear on their faces. She wasn't supposed to be back from Texas for at least another week.

"Nat?" Jake's brows furrowed, "What are you doing here? Not that I'm not extremely happy to see you. Especially since you're un-shanked."

Rosa's face scrunched up, obviously not sharing the same sentiments. "So, no cool prison scars?"

"No," Natasha frowned and nodded to Jake, "He made me promise not to get into any fights."

"Ow!" He cried when Rosa leaned over and hit him across the head, "Sorry for caring about my girlfriend's safety and wellbeing?" He scoffed as he rubbed his head.

"Well, I for one am ecstatic to have you back," Raymond expressed, but his face bore no emotion as usual, "Especially un-shanked."

"I'm glad you're okay," Adam gave her a side hug before the rest of the 99 welcomed her back.

"Hey," Terry called suddenly, "What are you doing here, by the way? You and Amy weren't supposed to come back till next week."

"Figgis kidnapped Rich," She answered casually.

They all nodded before realizing that she shouldn't have known about that since she was all the way over in Texas. And in a prison no less.

"How did you know that?" Adam frowned in confusion.

"He sent Boyle a coded message to show me at my checkup," She explained quickly.

Since Rich had become a permanent part of the 99, Natasha had found herself genuinely enjoying his presence, sometimes at least. A few months ago he'd started teaching her computer coding and they'd slowly begun to bond as friends although she'd never admit it.

"Why would he send it to you all the way in prison instead of to us?" Terry frowned.

"Oh, he actually told me about that in his message," She chuckled, "He said he didn't trust any of you dumb-dumbs to crack his encryption code. Anyway, we need to find him. Fast. Before Figgis does anything to him."

Jake, as per usual, forgot all about the big picture and chose to focus on the trivial details. "Wait, you know how to code and do, like cool computer things?"

"Rich's been teaching me," She admitted reluctantly with a nonchalant shrug.

"Oh, my God," Jake grinned, "My cool, badass girlfriend is a nerd!"

"You know I can hack into your Club Penguin account and delete it, right?"

Jake stared at her in shock and fear. "...I am so scared and turned on right now."

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