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"Am I ever getting my sweatshirt back?" Jake asked with a yawn as he stretched his arms.

Natasha gave him a flirty smirk as she shrugged coyly. "Only if you take it off me yourself."

"I do not have a problem with that," He grinned before he playfully tackled her.

Natasha laughed as her back hit the mattress and Jake splayed on top of her like an octopus. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pressed his lips to hers. The two stayed in bed like that for another few minutes, laughing and talking quietly as they ignored their alarm.

With one last kiss, Natasha finally stood up. "Help me find my shirt."

Jake paused and shook his head. "You know, as much as I want to, I don't want to."

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"Maid of honor? Yes, a million times, yes! It would be an honor," Charles gasped, "Oh, my God, that's why they call it that."

"Great, but I specifically asked Tasha to be my maid of honor," Rosa reminded Charles with a weird look, "You're my bridesmaid and so are Gina, Amy, and Rich."

"I guess that's okay," He shrugged, "If you want to water down your Charles Boyle with a couple of ice cubes."

"I am so excited!" Rich grinned excitedly, "This will be great practice for when I'm Tasha's maid of honor at her wedding!"

"Count me in as long as I get eight plus-ones," Gina informed casually.

"Guys, focus. We need to start planning," Amy demanded before she turned to Rosa with a warm smile, "So when's the wedding? Next summer, next fall, next winter?"

"Next week."

Amy's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. "Next what? Next week? That is not enough time to plan a bridal shower, an engagement brunch, a paper mache sculpture of you two kissing."

"That last one seemed more like a Boyle thing, Amy" Natasha grimaced, "And should not even be an option by the way."

"She's right," Charles nodded, "About it being more my style I totally disagree on the necessity of a paper mache sculpture to commemorate the happy couple. I'm already working on one for you and Jake's wedding!"

"Never show it to me," Natasha demanded with a frown, "Never show it to anyone."

"Send me a photo. I want to see if it's better than mine," Rich paused and scoffed, "What am I talking about. Of course, it's not."

"I would beg to differ!" Charles huffed as he glared at him.

"Don't worry about that stuff," Rosa reassured a dry heaving Amy, "The one dumb wedding thing I've always wanted was a bachelorette party."

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