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                                2 weeks later
Toni was situated in the library. Sitting down at a desk, signing some papers that dealt with some construction happening in the town. Recently more people have been moving into Catherdal, now making the town much bigger, meaning parts of the town had to be extended.

The library door opened, Toni shot her head up and saw the twins walking towards her, "Where's Cheryl?"

"Mommy's asleep, she said she was tired" Sera answered, "Dorian and I wanted to play with you"

Toni frowned, "Not right now okay? I have some things to work on" she ruffled their hairs, "maybe later"

"You keep saying that" Dorian pouted, "It can't be that hard being a Queen. Why can't you just get other people to do your work?"

"I can't just let everyone do all my work hun. Give me 30 minutes and we can-"

"Never mind already, we'll just go upstairs" the both of them said, leaving the library. Toni sighed before going back to her papers.

10 minutes later-

Toni placed her pen down and got up, exiting the library and went upstairs and walked into the kids room, "What are you two doing?"

"Nothing" the twins said quickly, their attention towards the television

"I'm taking a break, I thought you wanted to play with momma" Toni walked over to them, placing a kiss on their forehead

"Later" Sera mumbled. Toni sighed and walked out, going to her bedroom and laying down next to Cheryl and hugging her.

"Are you awake?" The red head turned around and pecked her lips, "No" Cheryl smiled

Toni rolled her eyes, "The kids are mad at me" she pouted

"Because you've been doing all that shit recently and whenever you do, you're attention goes all into it" Cheryl explained

"Not all of my attention" Toni argued

Cheryl raised an eyebrow, "I beg to differ, are you done with the contract?"

"Almost, I just wanted to check up on the twins and see how my beautiful wife was doing and" she caressed Cheryl's stomach, "how this little one was doing?"

"They've been moving around a lot, took me awhile to fall asleep"

Toni kissed Cheryl's forehead, "I'll be back in a maximum of 10 minutes" Cheryl nodded, Toni got up and walked downstairs.

When she got to the library she saw the twins there, "What are you two-" she stopped as soon as she saw the twins pouring water onto her papers

The kids dropped the cup once they saw her. Toni slowly walked up to the two of them, "Lucy!" She yelled

The woman rushed into the library, "Yes?" The woman asked, "Would you mind cleaning up this mess" Toni asked, "What kind of mess Madam?"

"The kids spilled some water, speaking of the kids" she looked at the both of them, "Could you take them to Cheryl"

Lucy nodded, "Seraphina, Dorian, come on" the kids ran towards her, all three of them leaving the room. Toni groaned, grabbing her phone and calling someone.

"Miss Topaz?" The person said on the other line

"Please print me out another copy of those contracts, an incident happened and I need new ones" Toni spoke

"Sure thing, I'll bring them over in a few minutes" Toni ended the call, "Please clean everything up" she ordered Lucy as she left the room. Toni walked back to her room, Cheryl talking to the kids

Toni quietly walked over to them, sitting down on the bed, facing Sera and Dorian, "Seraphina, Dorian, what was the reason for you to do that?" Toni asked sternly. They stayed quiet.

"You won't play with us"

Toni sighed, running her hands through her hair, "I told you, give me some time and I will. I'm sorry that I haven't been playing with you two, but you shouldn't have done that. Now I have to get new ones and start all over. Since you ruined them, and I have to start over, you two will have to wait much more longer. Not fun huh?"

They shook their heads, "Go to your room". Once they left Toni groaned, "God I have to go through it again"

"Don't do them today, finish them tomorrow"

"What? No, I have to get them in by tomorrow afternoon Cher"

"That's enough time to finish it Toni" Cheryl argued

"It should be. But with the amount of distractions here how can I?" Toni huffed

"Distractions? What distractions? The only reason you get distracted is because you try to do everything in one whole sitting, and I know that tires you out, causing you to get irritated easily" Cheryl divulged

"Maybe just don't be irritating and annoying?"

"How? You've literally been spending most of your time in the library or your office"

"Exactly, and your nosy asses literally enter the library or my office every second of the day"

Cheryl glared at Toni, "Is it bad to check up on my wife?! You do the exact same thing!"

"Yeah, but you're pregnant and lay in bed all day-"

Someone knocked on the door, "Toni" Leon's voice came

"What?" Toni asked agitated, she opened the door and saw Leon holding some papers, "Thanks" the man nodded before leaving, "I don't even know why you're pissed" Toni said looking at her wife. Cheryl was quiet, ignoring Toni as she went on her phone, "Cher"

"Just finish them already. The kids wanna hang out with you" Toni sighed, walking back to the library

Two days went by. Toni and the kids were fine, they were playing some video games once Toni got everything settled. Cheryl still wouldn't talk to her.

Toni placed the controller down as she saw Cheryl enter their bedroom, "You shouldn't have called mommy annoying"

She nodded in response, "You two stay here" she got up and walked inside their bedroom, "Cher"

The red head hummed in response, "Are you still mad? I'm sorry! I was tired, as you predicted, and said some stupid shit, don't be mad!"

Cheryl punched Toni's head, "How stupid are you?" The red head groaned

Toni pouted, "You're scary when you're mad..."

The younger woman pulled on Toni's ear, "Maybe don't call your pregnant wife annoying!"


"Next time, don't be an idiot, and listen to your wife" she said pinching Toni's cheek painfully

"I won't be an idiot next time" she said, wincing as Cheryl let go of her cheek, "Kith?"

"No" Cheryl bluntly answered, "you pissed me off, go play with the kids"

"On the cheek!" Toni begged, "It hurts"

"Fine" Cheryl huffed. As she was about to kiss her wife on the cheek, Toni moved her head, making Cheryl kiss her lips, "hehe love you!" Toni yelled before leaving the room

"That little bitch" The red head scoffed

A/N: okay so I have plans on ending this story when Cheryl gives birth to baby numero 3. Could you all give me some gender neutral names for the kid? - Z

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