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Chapter 52
"No Cheryl hasn't given birth yet" Toni said through the phone, speaking with her mother on the other line

"I sense how impatient you are" Scarlet spoke, chuckling at how impatient her daughter was, "I'm sure her water will break soon. THIS TIME MAKE SURE YOU'RE HOME"

"Yes, yes I know" Ton responded, cringing from her mother yelling into her ear

"Toni!" Cheryl yelled, "One moment!" Toni yelled, "I'll call you later mom" she ended the call, walking over to the bathroom, "What's up ba- OH! Mom was right!" Toni yelled as she saw Cheryl holding onto the sink, fluid running down her legs, groaning in pain, "Oh, oh!! Okay!"

The woman rushed to the closet, slinging the baby bag on her shoulder before going back to her wife, helping her out of the bathroom, "Alrighty, umm Lucy!" Toni yelled, helping her wife out of the bedroom

The maid ran up the stairs, "Oh your highness!" She yelled, "Take care of the kids and tell the Blossoms and my parents!" Toni instructed, helping the red head down the stairs

"Jesus Christ" Cheryl hissed, holding onto her stomach, "Come on come on let's go" Toni whispered under her breath, "Toni I swear to god, you're not the one who's going to give birth"

"Yeah, yeah" Toni spoke, opening the castle door, "Leon get your ass over here! We need the car, to the hospital we go!" Toni shouted. Cheryl stared at her wife, annoyed with her antics, "Sorry my love"

Cheryl eventually entered the car, Leon driving towards the hospital, "Honey this is the second time I'm giving birth"

"And?! I still get nervous" Toni divulged, tapping her feet on the floor of the car

They finally arrived outside the hospital, "I'll bring your families and the twins later on" Leon divulged, helping the two mothers into the hospital

"Thanks Leon" Toni spoke as she started frantically looking for a doctor, "Okay come on vámonos-"

"Antoinette!" Cheryl hissed, "Yes I know. A doctor please!!" Toni yelled, on cue a female doctor walked up to us, "Thank heavens"

"Sorry your highness, we'll attend to you right now" the woman spoke, sitting Cheryl down on a wheelchair and pushing her to a room, "is the pain unbearable?"

"No, I can handle the pain so far" Cheryl answered

5 hours into labor
"My vagina is the one getting ripped Toni" Cheryl said abruptly as she held her wife's hand

"The last time you gave birth you were screaming bloody murder" Toni divulged, rubbing circles on the palm of Cheryl's hand

"She'll need to be 10cm dialated before she starts giving birth, as you must know" the doctor spoke, observing the couple as they walked around the hospital room, "Do you know their gender?"

"No, we decided to wait until I gave birth, which was kind of a bad decision since this one" Cheryl began, pinching Toni's cheek, "and my twins are impatient"

"It'll be soon until they come out"

10 hours
"You're doing great Cher" Toni assured her wife, Cheryl gripping her hand as she pushed. Cheryl panted, exhausted.

"Okay, one more push!" The doctor informed Cheryl, "Come on!"

Cheryl's nails digged into the back of Toni's hand, pushing her hardest, "Great job!" The doctor smiled, holding onto their child, "Your highness, do the honors?" The woman asked, handing Toni the scissors

Toni checked up on Cheryl, who fell asleep due to exhaustion before grabbing the pair of scissors and cutting the umbilical cord.

They cleaned up the child and weighed the kid before handing them to Toni, "You made mommy tired" Toni spoke to her child, sitting on the side of Cheryl's hospital bed.

The doctor washed her hands before walking over to the parents, "Your family is outside, let me know when you want me to bring the prince and princess in"

Toni smiled, "Will do"

The baby stopped crying, softly looking at both of its mothers, "I'm sure Dorian and Sera want to see their sibling" Cheryl divulged, looking at her wife with tired eyes

"It was harder this time?" Toni asked Cheryl, the red head nodded, "Our kid really didn't want to get out" she said chuckling

There was a faint knock coming from the door, "momma!" Sera and Dorian whisper yelled from the other side of the door

"Go let them in" Cheryl told her wife, Toni got up and walked over to the door, opening it, "Excited?"

The twins nodded frantically, "You have to be quiet okay? The baby finally stopped crying"

Scarlet and Penelope walked over to the kids, "What did I tell you about running off!" Penelope scolded, "Sorry" Dorian apologized, a smile on his face

"How's Cheryl?" They asked

"Tired, very tired" Toni responded, both mothers nodded, "We'll be in the waiting room, these two can see the kid first" Scarlet divulged, ruffling the twins hair

"Don't be too loud okay?" Toni reminded the two kids once Scarlet and Penelope left, "We know momma"

They walked inside, closing the door behind them, "mommy!" They smiled, rushing over to the bed, getting on their tippy toes to hug their mom

Toni stood behind them, "Okay" The woman smiled, "Dorian, Sera" she began

Cheryl moved the sheet away from the baby's head, revealing the child's face, "Meet your little brother, Rowan Topaz"
                                  The end
And that is the end of "I married a princess"! Thank you for reading my final Choni work, if you want to see more of my stories I'll be on Ao3 (@soulfer), it's mostly anime related. Although I'm leaving Wattpad I'll be keeping my fics so people can still read them so you can still enjoy my Choni stories :]

Till then- Z

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