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𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒍'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

"What the are you two talking about!" I asked, entering the room "You guys are so annoying"

"Cher! I'm trying to  encourage your brother to ask Ms. Cooper out!"

"help him without making such a fuss! Mom and dad are lucky they don't have to listen to the two of you banter" I divulged as I sat next to Toni

"Jase, I am literally going to drag you to the Coopers!"

"I don't even have anything to give her Toni!"

"I'll handle all of that Jase! Later today we're fucking doing it" Toni divulged, "If not you wont be able to get a girl you idiot"

"And I have a crush on you, isn't that interesting" I scoffed as I went to grab something to eat

"Meanie" Toni replied back, "And remember what I said, no one can lay their eyes on you"

"Oh boo hoo, what if I do want someone too?" I replied back


"I'm joking!" I popped a cherry in her mouth, "Now just help my brother with his whole crush on Polly"

"If you wanna ask her out, what would you give her? How do you even know her?" Toni asked

"I met her at work. And I would like to buy her a necklace and flowers, and maybe chocolate"

"How romantic" I joined in

Jason rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna go to my room"

"Just think it out Jase"

"Yes Topaz" Jason called out

"How about you T, when will you pop the question?" I questioned her

"I got that all planned out Red"

"Oh now do you" I smirked, "I already know my answer Topaz"

"Good and If we do become more that just girlfriends, just know I owe my Mother grand babies" she smirked, "That means I can pound into y-"

I shoved a cherry inside of Toni's mouth, "Toni we're not even dating yet. Get your mind out of the gutter. And what if my answer is no"

She rolled her eyes at me, "Cheryl! Your not gonna say no, right?"

I ignored her and went to put my food back in the fridge


"You'll just have to wait  T"

Toni groaned out of frustration

"Oh, you still wear the bracelet and ring I gave you" I said looking at her hand as I sat down

"Mhm, I told you I liked it"

"I though you were just being nice"

She scoffed, "Fine I'll take it off"

"No! Leave it on"

She smiled, and put back her ring

"What's the other bracelet?"

"Oh, it was something Tyler and Sarah bought for me on my 16th birthday"

"Cute" I replied

Jason exited his room, "Would you two not talk so loudly"

"Hey Jase, take a seat. What do you like about Polly?" Cheryl asked Jason

He obliged and sat down, " I don't know. She just seems like a sweet and caring person. She's also beautiful"

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