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Toni's POV

"My little Antoinette's getting married!" Gladys said as she hugged Toni tightly, "G-Gladys"

"If only Jughead could find a Queen" Gladys loosened her grip around Toni, "Ma shut up" Jughead rolled his eyes

"Your still single Uncle? That's sad" Jughead glared at Dorian, "I agree, he might be single forever" Cheryl said shaking her head, "Cheryl shut up, you too Dorian"

"Don't tell my son to shut up" Cheryl pulled on his ear, "Okay! I'm sorry"

"Cheryl!" A voiced yelled. Cheryl turned around to see Kevin, "Kev!" They both hugged each other, "bitch I was so happy when you to told me you were getting married"

"Babe language" Fangs said from behind him, "oh sorry!" Dorian and Sera ran up to Kevin, "Uncle Kev!"

"I'm invisible" Fangs mumbled, "Not! We missed you too Uncle Fangs" Dorian said as he and Sera hugged him, "Good cause I missed the two of you as well"

"What are you guys doing here?" Toni asked, "We're here to help your mother and Mrs. Blossom"

"Why?" Gladys smacked her head, "Cause your the only one getting married at the moment so I wanna help"

"Then why bring these goofballs?" Toni asked, "Cause they have no life at the moment" Gladys answered

"Isn't Jughead King?" Cheryl asked, "Yeah but there's nothing to be done at the kingdom right now. My dad's there though, just in case"

"Since it's been a few months since you all hung out, get out of the castle or something" Gladys suggested

"Where shall we go?" Kevin asked putting his arm around Cheryl's, "Wanna go to Veronica's?"

"Sure, lets just hope they aren't doing you know what" Cheryl chuckled, "doing what?" Sera asked, "you'll know when your older sweet heart" Toni said patting the little girl's head

"Where are you going with the guys?" Cheryl asked Toni, "We might head over to the port and walk around a bit"

Cheryl kissed Toni before leaving with Kevin and Dorian, "wanna go for a swim at the port?" Fangs asked Dorian

"I don't know how to swim yet" Dorian pouted, "you haven't taught them how to swim yet?!" Fangs asked, "They're still learning, plus the waters to deep over there"


"Egh the smell of ocean" Fangs gagged, "then why'd you come with us if your gonna complain?" Jughead asked, "good question"

"Dorian be careful" I said as I watched him walk to the edge of the port, "I will"

I was taking to Fangs when I saw Dorian trip, I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me, "you almost fell in the water" I chuckled

"I saw a fishy!" He grinned, "be careful next time when trying to look at it okay?" I kissed his forehead,

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones III! If you push me in the fucking water, you will be seeing the gates to heaven!" Fangs yelled

I held Dorian's hand, "Let's go to the park, away from whatever is happening here" Dorian nodded, "Where are you two going?" Jughead asked

"No where...." I said as I walked further away from them, "wait up, I don't wanna be alone with Jugrat" he pushed Jughead and ran over to us

"Jugrat" Dorian laughed, "don't call me that!" Dorian stuck his tongue out at him, "hey don't hurt my child, or I'll kill you"

"I wasn't gonna hurt him...I was just gonna tickle him to death" he smirked, "oh by all means go ahead"

"What no!" He ran off, "Hey! Don't just run off" I chased after him. I caught up to him and scooped him up, "dont go running off again" I said ruffling his hair

"yes ma'am!" He giggled, "You-you fuck! You guys run fast!" Jughead and Fangs panted, "I have pup and two kids, what'd you expect?" I grinned at them

"We used to be faster than you when we were younger" Fangs said, "Your old, no wonder I'm faster"

"Excuse me! We have a 2 year age gap!" I laughed, "let's get back to the castle, I actually wanna help ready my wedding" I rolled my eyes before sitting Dorian on my shoulders

"Toni, your the only one getting married at the moment, I don't think they'll let you with how excited they are" Jughead stated

"It's Cheryl and I's wedding, I'll help when I want to" I said walking my way back to the castle


When we got there I saw Cheryl, Kevin, Veronica and Betty talking with my mother

"Oh! That dress is pretty Cher!" Betty said pointing at the screen. I walked up to them and wrapped my arms around Cheryl, "what's that?" I asked

"We're picking out a dress for me and the brides maids" Cheryl said after pecking my lips, "You'll get to pick out the suits" my mom told me, "yay!"

"Momma I wanna go down now" I crouched down and got him off me, "Dorian and I are gonna watch cartoons!" Sera yelled from the top of the stairs, "Okay!" Cheryl and I yelled back

"Dude get this one, id look hot in it" Jughead said nudging my side, "It's my wedding, no way I'm letting you look better than me" I smirked

"It doesn't matter cause out of the two of you, Toni's the hottest" Veronica said, "excuse me?" Cheryl and Betty said at the same time

"I said out of Toni and Jughead! Out of everyone Betty's the hottest" she said as she kissed Betty's cheek

"Nice save Ronnie" Kevin laughed, "Okay now let's look through the suits, I wanna look good for your wedding" Fangs said taking the tablet from my hands

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