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"Baby are you sure your not hungry?" Cheryl asked as she got changed into a shirt

"I'm fine" I got on my knees and looked at her with puppy eyes

She turned towards me and smiled "yes?"

"I want a kiss"

She sat next to me on the bed and as she was about to kiss me we heard the sound of cries, "oh, hold on baby" she got up but I pulled her back down

I grabbed her jaw softly and kissed her, "okay you can go now"

She rolled her eyes and left the room. When I went to get my phone off the bedside I accidentally knocked down a picture frame, "shit" I mumbled

I sat it right up and stared at the photo, it was of me, my mother, my father, Tyler and Sarah. I put the photo on my lap, "if only you and Sarahwere here"

I sighed, "You would've had kids with Sarah dear brother, And you and Sare would've been King and Queen" I shrugged as I felt tears roll down my eyes

"Maybe I shouldn't have let you propose at my birthday" she sobbed, "You and Sare would be here"

I heard the door knob turn, I quickly wiped away my tears and placed down the picture frame, "Dorian needed a change of diapers" she sat next to me

"Did he uhh go back to sleep?" I asked sniffling

She went silent, she then lifted my head up, "baby what's wrong?" She wiped a tear

I put on a smile, "N-nothing love, I'm fine"

She sighed, "Even though you put on a smile and tell me everything's fine I can sense something's wrong" she sat on my lap and cupped my face, "Tell me, what's wrong baby?"

"I was just thinking about Sarah and Tyler that's all" I said hugging her, "I miss them"

She rubbed my back soothingly, "I know you do babe. I also kind of wish I knew Tyler and Sarah better, they seemed like amazing people"

I let go of her and smiled widely, "They were! I didn't like Sarah at first"

She raised an eyebrow, "Why is that?"

"Cause I thought she would take Tyler away from me. I thought that since he was dating someone he would forget about me"

"Seems like you" she laughed

"Your supposed to be comforting me!"

She smiled and kissed my hair, "And I am! But continue"

I huffed, "Tyler didn't forget about me of course. Whenever Sarah was here, they would constantly hang out with me, even when they went on dates I'd sometimes tag along" I smiled to myself, "Sarah was like my older sister, I wish she was able to become Queen and have kids with Tyler. One of Ty's dreams was to become a father..." I felt tears roll down my cheeks, "and I kind of ruined that"

"What? No you didn't, the only person to be blamed is Za-"

"If I didn't allow him to propose at my party, he and Sare wouldn't have been shot, it would've been me instead...Tyler and Sarah would still be alive" I looked down and covered my face, "They should be alive, not me"

I felt Cheryl wrap her arms around me as she hugged me tightly, "Never say that again. Tyler and Sarah never deserved to die, you don't deserve to die either Toni. I fucking love you, and no one is to be blamed except for Zander...if he didn't fire those bullets they would still be here, everything is on him not you, okay" she rubbed my back soothingly, "I love you, I love you so much"

"I'm sorry" I mumbled

"There's nothing you need to apologize about, your just upset and missing Tyler and Sarah, you were extremely close to them, it's okay Toni" she tried to kiss me but I gently pushed her away, "what's wrong?"

"I'm a mess, there's literal snot on your clothes, and my face is wet from crying, I suggest you don't-" I was interrupted by her lips crashing onto mine

"I'll kiss you either way" she cupped my face, "I'm gonna remind you once again Toni. Zander was the reason Tyler and Sarah unfortunately died...you did no harm. And I'm sure even though they aren't here, I bet they are so happy about you having two little babies" I nodded

She hugged me tightly, "hun you should change your shirt, while I was crying I got snot on you"

"I will in a minute, I wanna hug you"

"I'm a little bit better now, don't worry hun"

She sighed and leaned her forehead against mine, "You look beautiful"

She ruffled my hair, "Your still complimenting me even though you were just crying"

"Just trying to lighten the mood babe"

"I'll go get changed" she said getting off me, I nodded

I picked up the picture frame and glided my hand over it, "It would've been nice if you got to see Sera and Dorian, it would've been much better if you and Sare had kids" I smiled at the photo

"Want me to cook you some food?" She said asked sitting back on my lap

I shook my head, "you sure? I'll cook your favorite"

"No it's okay"

She huffed, "you haven't eaten dinner yet babe"

"I'll be fine, I'm not hungry" I pecked her lips, "What time is it?"

"It's almost midnight" she said hugging me tightly

I tapped her side, "Honey, too tight"

She loosened her grip, "sorry"

"It's okay" I moved her hair out of her face, "thank you"

She tilted her head, "for what?"

I cupped her face, "For being here with me and loving me"

"You don't need to thank me T, I'll always love you, my first love"

I looked at her with puppy eyes, "your like a puppy" she said ruffling my hair, "you okay now?"

I nodded, "Don't worry" I put the blanket over us

"What are you doi-" I held her face and kissed her, she smiled into the kiss

I pulled away, "You said you were cold"

"Then let's lay down" she said gently pushing me down

Once I laid down she tried getting off me but I pulled her back, "No, stay here"

"You'll die from suffocation"

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up"

"Rude" she said laying on me

"Let's sleep" I said rubbing her back soothingly, I then closed my eyes and fell asleep

"Babe" Cheryl looked up to see Toni fast asleep, she caressed Toni's face and gently rubbed her cheek with her thumb, "I love you" she whispered

She hugged Toni and closed her eyes, she slowly drifted off to sleep

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