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𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒂𝒍
4 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒍'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

As I was sitting on the bed there was a knock, I stood up and opened the door, "Hey Ronnie, the gender reveal isn't until later afternoon.."

"I know, I just wanted to check up on you, am I not allowed to?" She asked leaning against the door frame

"Just come inside"

Once she entered the room I closed the door, "How'd you even enter the Palace, the only ones home are Lucy and I"

"Your lover let me in before she left" she grinned

I threw a pillow at her face, "bitch!" She yelled, "you excited to know the gender"

"Well of course you idiot, they're my children"

"Toni's getting the cake right?" She asked

I nodded, "That's why she left the palace"

Olive came out of the closet and sat next to Veronica's feet, "Why were you in the closet?"

"You got a dog!" She said picking Olive up

"Yeah, we found her in Toni's garden, her name's Olive"

"I have one at home, his name is truffle"

As she played with the dog she looked towards me, "What?"

"Have you and Toni ever considered getting married yet?"

"No, we've only been dating for a year. Maybe when these two get a little older" I said rubbing my bump up and down

"I wanna tell you the gender already!" Veronica said falling back on to the bed

I laughed, "Just wait, don't ruin the surprise for me" I patted her leg, "Found any men or women your interested in yet Lodge?"

"Well I've been mostly spending my time at the clinic so, not yet. Today I start my short vacation at least, so imma get my groove on"

"You still act like your teenage self" I sighed, "Let me guess you still drink?"

"Once in awhile of course, especially when my father gives me a casket of rum once in awhile"

The door soon opened, "I put the cake in the fridge" Toni divulged as she closed the door, "Lodge, your still here I see"

"What? Do you want me to leave your highness?" Veronica tilted her head with a smirk

Toni flicked her head, "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that"

Veronica furrowed her eyes and rubbed her head, "And could the two of you not fucking hurt me on the daily basis!"

Toni laughed as she sat behind me, "You feeling better?"

I nodded, "Yeah" she kissed my cheek

"You guys make me feel lonely"

"Ohh does lil Veronica want a kiss to?" I asked

She stuck the middle finger at us, making us laugh, "I'll let you two love birds enjoy your alone time, I'll see you two at the gender reveal"

"But don't you know it already" Toni divulged

She nodded her head, "But I wanna see you and Cher's reaction"

The both of us nodded our heads, "Imma go I don't like being a third wheel" she said leaving the room

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