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Cheryl's POV

"Shhh! Momma told us to be quiet!" Sera scolded her brother

"I am! You're the one being loud!" Dorian whisper yelled

I blinked my eyes open and saw the both of them bickering next to me, "The both of you are being loud"

The both of them got startled, "sorry mommy" Dorian pouted

"It's your fault dummy!"

"Sera" I said as I eyed her, causing her to go silent, "Where's Toni?"

The door then swung open, a tray in her hands, pouting once she saw me awake, "I told you to wait for me then we could wake her up"

"Dorian was being too loud!"

"I was not!" He pouted and crawled over to my side as soon as I sat up

Toni placed the tray on my lap, "For you my love"

"Breakfast in bed? You rarely do this, did you and the kids do something bad?" I eyed the three of them as held the silver fork

My wife rolled her eyes, "See kids, your mom is dumb unlike your intelligent momma" earning giggles from the twins

I slapped her arm, "I'm not giving the three of you kisses or hugs today" I said before stuffing my mouth with food, ignoring the three of them

"You have that appointment with Ronnie" Toni said grinning, "That's why I decided to make you breakfast in bed before we go, the three of us already ate so don't worry about that"

I wiped the corners of my mouth with a tissue, "Actually I'm gonna go by myself"

"Huh? That's no fair!" My wife whined, showing me puppy eyes

I patted her cheek, "A surprise, for all three of you"

She stole some of my food, "Then this is mine"


"The two of you get the rest and run!"

The three of them tried to run away with the food but I yanked all of them back, "I'll give you kisses if you guys don't run off"

The three of them looked at each other before nodding, "You have a deal mom" Dorian said as the three of them surrounded me

I placed a kiss on Dorian's cheek then on Sera's, my alarm then went off when I went to kiss Toni, "Oh, can the two of you bring this to Lucy"

The twins nodded and helped each other hold the tray and exit the room, "dude-"

I glared at her, "I'm sorry what did you just call me?"

"IM SORRY IT CAME OUT, FORGIVE ME!" She wrapped her arms around me as I laughed

"No kiss for you" I pulled away from her embrace and walked into the closet

"CHERYL!" She whined as I giggled to myself. Quickly I got dressed into a sweater and a pair of jeans, "Make sure you call me once you get the results"

"I'll tell you once I get home okay? I want to tell the kids at the same time" I smiled as I leaned down to kiss her cheek before leaving the castle

"Morning Cheryl" Leon smiled as he greeted me

"Morning Leon"

Leon bowed as he closed the door for me, entering the driver's seat after, "Where to?"

"The clinic"

He turned his head to look at me, "Does Toni know you're going to the doctors?"

"Yeah, it's just a little check up" the man nodded and started the car. Eventually we arrived outside of the doctors. I told Leon to wait for me outside before entering

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