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2 weeks later
Toni's POV

I was woken up by a peck on my cheek, I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, "Cher, let me sleep more, it's still early" I said going back under the covers, she laughed a little, "Tones it's 2 in the afternoon"

"Huh?!" I said sitting up and looking at the clock, "I overslept, you should've woken me up babe", "I tried multiple times, you even pushed me off the bed" I chuckled nervously, "S-sorry"

I heard little giggles next to me, "What are you two laughing at? You should've woke momma up!" I said blowing raspberries on their tummies, I sat them both on my lap, "Your stuck with three of us" I said smiling

"Oh how devastating" she said sarcastically and pecked our cheeks. We sat on the bed for a few minutes talking and playing with Dorian and Sera, we were interrupted when someone barged into our room, "what the heck?!" Cheryl and I shrieked, "Beronica has entered the building!" Veronica yelled

"Ronnie there's this thing called knocking!" Cheryl yelled, Betty pulled Veronica's ear, "I told you not to barge in", "O-ow! That hurt!" Veronica whined, Betty kissed her cheek and went to sit next to me, "Tones you have bed hair" Betty pointed out

"I just woke up a few minutes ago, what are you two doing here?" I asked, "Were bored and I brought Truffle along with me!" She said holding up the pup, "I also brought cake!"

"I want!" I squealed, "They're children" Cheryl mumbled, "You should see Veronica when we're cuddling", "We can hear you!" Veronica and I said at the same time

"Anygays, let's hang out in the garden, my little Olive is there as well so Truffle can play with her" Cheryl divulged, "I'm gonna shower first" I said as sat Sera and Dorian on Cheryl's lap, "Okay, we'll head to the garden" Cheryl said as she kissed my cheek. The three of them left the room and I went to the bathroom to shower

Once I finished showering, I got dressed and headed downstairs to the garden. When I entered the garden I saw the group sitting together and our dogs running around. Cheryl turned towards me, holding up a plate, "cake!" I yelled as I ran to sit next to her

Cheryl giggled and handed me the plate, "You and Veronica act more like a child then your kids" Betty said as she played with Sera's hands, "No I- not" I said with cake in my mouth, Cheryl grabbed a tissue and wiped my mouth, "We both love cake leave us alone" Veronica retaliated, Betty giggled and pecked Veronica's lips

We talked to each other for a few minutes, I then remembered something, "Oh Fangs birthday is in a couple weeks", "Where is the party being held?" Cheryl asked, "In his palace at Marten", "Marten? That's a long drive" Betty chimed in, "How long?" Cheryl asked

"A couple hours, so i thought we could stay there for a few days, plus I haven't hung out with the boys in a while" she smiled at me, "sure, I also wanna get to know Jughead and the others more"

"Can we come?!" Veronica asked excitedly, "Well I don't know, you can ask Fangs" I said as she nodded her head, "I might have someone for Fangs" Veronica said smirking

"And who is this gentleman?" Cheryl and I asked, "You might remember him Cheryl, Kevin Keller", "Kevin!" Cheryl said excitedly, "I haven't seen him in a while!"

"I was in Centoria and I saw him there. He moved to Centoria last year", "Fangs and Kevin would be perfect together" Cheryl divulged, "What does Keller look like?" I asked, Veronica took out her phone and showed me a picture, "I think Fangs would like him" I divulged

"Choni, Beronica and Kangs, the ultimate gay couples" Veronica said smiling, Cheryl and I looked at her confused, "what?" Cheryl and I said, "They're ship names! Choni is you and Toni's names combined, Beronica is me and Ronnie and Kangs is Kevin and Fangs" Betty explained

I shook my head a little and chuckled, "stupid but cute", "Olive come here!" Cheryl called, Olive ran towards us and jumped on Cheryl's lap, licking her face, "Where'd you get Olive?" Betty asked

"We found her lurking in the garden" I said petting the dog, "She didn't have a collar and she wasn't chipped so we took her"

Betty's phone chimed, she took it out and groaned, "Bitch" she mumbled, "what's wrong babe?" Veronica asked as she moved a strand of hair away from Betty's face, "I need to take over a shift at work, I have to go sorry" she sat Sera on my lap and kissed Veronica, "I'll see you at home" she then left

Cheryl and I smirked at Veronica, "I'll see you at home" I mocked what Betty has said, "You and Betts moved in?" Cheryl said wiggling her eyebrows, "Have you fed D yet? I think he's hungry" she said avoiding the question

Cheryl took Dorian from her, "I already fed him, sooooo how is it living with your girlfriend V", She rolled her eyes, "bitch amazing! She's so loving and caring, and she'd sometimes cook me breakfast, and whenever I'm stressed with work she'd always shower me with kisses and cuddle me" Veronica rambled on

"Seems like someone's in love" Cheryl smirked, Veronica froze, "Oh sorry V, you guys haven't said it yet I guess" Veronica nodded, "When did you and T say it to each other"

"After we had sex" I responded nonchalantly, "I- umm okay, anyways, when should I tell her?" Veronica asked nervously, "you'll just know V" Cheryl responded

"So you knew as soon as you and Toni finished fucking?" She asked, "No! I always knew I loved her, but at that moment it just came out" Cheryl said shyly, I smiled and held her hand

"What if she doesn't say it back!" Veronica stressed, "Oh sweetie she will, have you seen the way she looks at you? You guys look at each other with so much love, I'm positive she loves you" Cheryl said smiling

"Anygays, just gonna pop the question again, have you two oofed?" I asked Veronica, "You and your sex questions" she scoffed, "I'm not gonna answer that T"

I chuckled, "So you two already did it then", "I didn't say yes!" She yelled, "I'm taking that as a yes Lodge" she rolled her eyes, I was gonna grab another slice of cake but noticed that there was nothing there, "who ate it all?!" I asked pissed

"Baby you and Veronica did" Cheryl said laughing, "and that's on being a fatass!" Veronica said and we high fived

We spent time with Veronica for a few more hours, she soon then left with Truffle. After we put Sera and Dorian to bed, we headed to our room

"Oh! What should we get Fangs for his birthday?" Cheryl asked, I thought for a second, "Fangs loves wearing rings, he also likes whenever my mother bakes him food" I said chuckling , "He also loves playing soccer and boxing"

I then remembered something from when we were little, "Oh! I know what I should get him!" I said smiling, "What is it?" Cheryl asked

"When we were little, Fangs and the rest of our friends called our group the Serpents, we even had a logo for it. So I was thinking I would get a leather jacket and get someone to make a serpent logo on the back!" Cheryl chuckled and smiled at me, "That's a great idea babe, you should get yourself a leather jacket too"

"Why?" I asked, "you'd look hot in it" she winked at me, I blushed at what she had said, "What? You look hot in anything baby" she kissed me, "When I get Fangs' jacket made I'll get one then", "yay! You'll look sexy with it on!" I furrowed my eyes at her, "Well you sexy in general" I laughed at her response and kissed her

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