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                                  Months later

SweetPea put his arms on my shoulder and shook me violently, "Little Antoinette is getting married in a few days!" He yelled

"Yeah that's if I can fucking survive this torture you are doing to me" i hissed, "shordy got some fangs"

They burst out laughing, "Oh what are you laughing about? You're shorter than me!" I said patting Cheryl's head, "shut up!"

"Oooo! Mommy said a bad word!" Dorian and Sera snickered, "okay what are you guys doing here? Our wedding isn't until a week" I divulged

"Exactly, we got to be early Tones" JB said punching my side, "oh my god I just remembered that you and Cher are gonna be Queens!"

I laughed, "Did you forget I was a Princess JB" she rolled her eyes, "you don't act like one the majority of the time"

"Neither do you Forsythia!" Gladys laughed, "Mom!" She whined, we laughed

"Where's Fangs and Kevin?" Cheryl asked, "They'll be coming tomorrow don't worry red" Jughead said

"Okay, we'll see you two later, JB and I have to get our dresses" Gladys said as the others followed behind

We were gonna go back upstairs but the doors opened, "Halt Lesbians!" Betty and Veronica yelled

"Yes my fellow gays" Cheryl asked chuckling, "You're getting married!" They squealed as they ran up to us, "run or you won't make it!" I yelled

Before Dorian and Sera could run they scooped them up and tugged on our collars, "Dammit!"

"You're getting married next week! Tones you WILL be drooling over Cher when you see her dress" Veronica said smirking, I looked at Cheryl and she was blushing

"Yeah! I saw mommy's dress too, It was really pretty!" Sera said with excitement, I put my arm around Cheryl, "Can't wait to see you in your dress my love"

"Toni's gonna look hot in a suit" Cheryl agreed with Betty, "Hey back away from my girl!" Veronica spat

"Chill I only have eyes for one" I winked at Cheryl, "why don't we go hang out before the two of you get married, we rarely hang out these days" Betty said as they both let Dorian and Sera down

"Can we go to the park?" Sera asked, "of course!" Betty answered, "I'll go get Olive!" Dorian ran to the garden

A minute later Dorian ran towards us with Olive running behind him. He then put on her collar and leash, "okay we can go now"

Betty, Cheryl and Sera walked ahead as Veronica, Dorian and I walked behind them. I cleared my throat, "when are you gonna put a ring on it?" I asked the Latina

She then started coughing, "Babe are you okay?" Betty asked turning her head towards us, "Y-yeah" Veronica glared at me

"What?" I asked chuckling, "that's a conversation for another time Antoinette" she punched me in the gut, "Ugh, JB hit me there too" I groaned

"Stop abusing my fiancé" Cheryl glared at Veronica before grabbing my hand, "she abuses me too!" Veronica whined

"Then stop abusing each other!" Betty said grabbing Veronica, "That's how we love each other" I said winking at the Latina, she flipped me off

"Dorian come here, you're too far behind" Cheryl said reaching her hand out to grab his. He ran up to us and took Cheryl's hand

We soon arrived at the park. Us adults sat down at the bench while Dorian and Sera walked around with Olive

"After the both of you get married, you'll be Queens?" Betty asked, I nodded. "Will that be stressful for the both of you?" Veronica asked

"It's gonna be stressful, but knowing us we'll get through it" Cheryl nodded and kissed my cheek, "if you guys ever need help, just call us okay?" Betty said

"Thanks Betty, see this is why the four of are best friends" Cheryl said leaning her head on my shoulder, "foursome?" Veronica said wiggling her eyebrows

"Oh what the fuck no!" I yelled, the four of us started laughing. Cheryl wrapped here arms around my stomach and hugged me

"Jesus Cheryl I'm gonna pray for your coochie during your honeymoon" Veronica said shaking her head. Cheryl blushed and hid her face in my chest, I chuckled as I stroked her hair

Dorian and Sera walked up to us and sat down next to Cheryl and I, "are the two of you tired already?" Cheryl asked our kids

"There was a big dog and we got scared" Sera said, "Olive started growling at it" Dorian giggled.

"Mommy I heard Auntie Veronica say "coochie" earlier, what does that mean?" Sera asked, "Oh yeah I was gonna ask too!" Dorian said

"I- uhh I'll tell you when your 18" Cheryl said smiling, Veronica nervously chuckled, "don't say it anymore, it's a bad word" they nodded their heads

"Sorry" Veronica mouthed, Cheryl and I laughed, "it's okay" a cool breeze hit us, "It's been very cold and windy lately" I said as I cuddled closer to Cheryl

"Can the two you stop being so cute, that's our thing" Veronica said hugging her girlfriend, "mmm debatable"

"Rude" Betty pouted, "I'm just joking Betts....kind of" Cheryl winked at the blonde who flipped her off

How's school for you all? My teachers assigned me 10 assignments that are due the day after 😀👍

Hope you all take care of yourself during this whole shit. Seems like teachers are assigning more work than regular since it's online, anygays take care loves

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