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                                𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈
"Toni! Wake up!" Tyler knocked on the door

She groaned, "Im awake! Just 5 more minutes" she called back

Tyler barged through the door "Wake up sleepy head we got class!" He dragged Toni out of bed, dropping on the floor

"Tyler I will rip you apart!" Toni yelled

"Can you just fucking hurry up! We have to ride in the same car and your taking forever! And our instructor will be pissed"

"Yeah,yeah! Now get out so I can change!" She pushed Tyler out the door, shutting it close

She went to her closet and saw whatever that caught her eye
Her clothing:

She went to her closet and saw whatever that caught her eye Her clothing:

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She exited her room and trotted down stairs

"Toni hurry or you'll be late!" Scarlet called out

"I know mother!" She called back as she put on her shoes and exited the castle. The guard opening the door for her as she entered the vehicle

"Took you long enough" Tyler scoffed

"Leon start driving" Toni commanded, "and you, shut your mouth, your sister needs her beauty sleep"

"Tones where were you last night?" Tyler asked

"What do you mean? I was sleeping Ty" she replied

"I heard some noise. You snuck out the castle didn't you" he glared at Toni

"No Ty I was asleep" Toni said "I'm not lying"

"Your lying. You know how I know. It's because I went into your room, you weren't there, and the window was open"

Toni gulped. "Look I just went on a walk okay"

"What if you got hurt Antoinette!" He scolded

"I didn't! And if I wasn't there a girl could've gotten raped Tyler!" She yelled. Tyler froze at Toni's sentence

"I-I don't even know what to say. Well for one it's not fucking safe to go out at night! And two thank god you were there to help her" he divulged

"After our lesson, can we go find the guy. I also wanna check in on the girl" she asked

"Sigh, fine. But do you even know the guys name, or even the girl?" He questioned

"Yes. The guy who assaulted her, his name is Zander. The girl's name is Cheryl...Cheryl Blossom" she divulged

"Ahh the Blossoms. They just moved in last week"

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