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The next morning
Toni's POV

I headed downstairs to find Tyler walking around, "I'm still not used to seeing you, what are you doing anyway?" I asked chuckling, "I haven't been here for 6 years, I gotta make sure I know where the fuck everything is again" he groaned, "Seraphina and Dorian helped me though, speaking of those two where are they?"

"They're with Cheryl walking Olive" I answered, "Who is Olive?" He asked confused, "Our dog, anyhoo should we umm tell our friends about this" he sighed, "I wonder how they'll react..how are they anyway?"

"They're good, Uhh Fangs has a boyfriend, Sweet Pea is his usually single self, Jelly bean has a boyfriend by the name of Ricardo, and Jughead is King but has no lover" Tyler laughed

The front door opened, "Go fill Olive's bowl with food and water" Cheryl said as our kids ran off with Olive, "Where'd you guys go, your al sweaty" she wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand, "I had to run after Olive since she got out of her leash, that was some great exercise" she huffed, I tried to kiss her but she pushed me away, "yeah no, I'm gonna go take a shower, once those two are done feeding Olive please clean them up" she walked upstairs

Tyler nudged my arm, "My little sis is getting married wow!" I frowned, "it could've been you and Sarah" he sighed, "Toni look don't think about that alright, I'm here now and I'm so happy that I'm able to see my little sister get married to the love her life. Yes I would've loved it so much if Sarah and I got married but we can't do anything about it. You, Antoinette are getting married, you will also become Queen with Cheryl, you should only be thinking about that and your kids, understood?" I nodded, "I know it's just-" he shook his head, "Nope! I'm plugging my ears no way in hell am I gonna see my sister get all depressed with me!" He said using his finger to plug his ears

I rolled my eyes, "Sera, Dorian!" I yelled before they ran up to Tyler and I, "You guys have dirt all over your shorts and your all sweaty", "We had to help mommy chase after Olive" Tyler and I laughed, "Come on let's get you cleaned up, Ty can you keep an eye on Olive, take her out to the garden" I instructed, "Uh okay"

I grabbed their hands and walked upstairs to their room, "Dorian you go get your clothes ready, I'm gonna bathe Sera first and then it's your turn" he nodded, "okay" i followed Sera into the bathroom, "I'll be behind the curtains so if you need help just call me okay" she nodded before entering the shower

Once she finished I wrapped her up in her towel, I kissed her cheek, "Dorian go get ready to take a bathe" he entered the bathroom as I helped Sera into her clothes in the bedroom, "Go find mommy" she fixed her hair, "Can I go hang out with uncle Tyler?" She asked, "of course but if you get dirt all over you I'm not giving you ice cream for 2 weeks" she hugged, "I won't!"

I went back to the bathroom, "momma!" Dorian whined, "Whats wrong buddy?" I opened the curtains a bit, "I got soap in my eye" he pouted, I bent down, "okay open your eyes a bit, I'm gonna wash it off" once I did that I rinsed the soap off his hair and wrapped him up in his towel

"Where's Sera?" He asked as he put on his shirt, "probably with Tyler, you can go hang out with them" I responded , "okay!" he ran out of the room. As I was picking up their dirty clothes, I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, the intoxicating smell of cherries and vanilla, "Done with your shower?" I asked putting the dirty clothes in the hamper

"Yeah. Also, Dorian and Sera seem to like Tyler. I heard them laughing downstairs" she said as I turned around to face her, "that's good" I caressed her arm as I pecked her lips, I slid my hand down her back and squeezed her ass, "Toni" she grinned, "what? Am I not allowed to?" I asked with a pout

She rolled her eyes, "come on let's head downstairs" I took her hand as we walked down the steps to hear fits of laughter, "Uncle Ty can you help me build my tower?" We heard Sera say as we stood at the entrance of the play room, "That's if you help me build mines after" she nodded, "deal!"

I put an arm around Cheryl's waist, "Seems like you guys are getting along" Cheryl said smiling at the three, "Uncle Tyler's awesome!" Dorian said giving Tyler a toothy grin, "I am pretty great" he said with a smug face, "Yeah your still the same" I rolled my eyes

"Oh but you miss me don't you dear sister" he smirked, "Yes, now let's compete. Cher and I will help Dorian, whoever builds their tower the fastest wins" we were about to start but Tyler stopped us, "Whats the catch? If we're gonna compete I'm gonna need a reward for when I beat your as-!" Cheryl sent him a glare, "When I beat your wonder pure heart and souls"

"Momma didn't you say that when you were little you dyed the tips of your hair" Dorian reminded, I nodded, "What about winner gets to choose the hair color" he grinned, "Deal!" Cheryl, Tyler and Sera said in unison, "Wait what?! I didn't-!" I was cut off, "Ready! Set! Go!" Dorian yelled and they started building, I slumped onto the couch and sighed as I watched them build their towers

5 minutes later-

"Done!" Cheryl and Dorian yelled, Tyler and Sera groaned, "What! We only needed to put one more piece and we could've won!" Tyler whined, Sera patted his back, "We'll win next time" Cheryl and I laughed, "so what color shall you pick for my hair love?" I asked Cheryl, she turned to Tyler, "What color did she pick when she was little?"

He thought for a bit, "She was 8 so of course she chose pink" she nodded, "how about pink then" she smirked, "Fine, but I swear to god if it turns out horrible I'm killing you all" I threatened, "Where do we get the color thingy?" Sera asked

"Mom keeps dye inside of her cabinets. She uses it so she can dye her grey hairs" I said trying to stifle a laugh, "I'll go ask grandma" Dorian said standing up and running out of the room, "Come on let's clean up" Tyler said to Sera

Cheryl got up and sat next to me, hooking her legs over my lap, I kissed the top of her nose, "I don't think I'll be able to breathe with how close you are" I said, sarcasm laced in my voice, "Oh shut up. The closest we've ever been is whenever your inside me" she whispered, I slapped her thigh, "Tyler and Sera are here!" She chuckled with a smirk

Dorian walked over to Cheryl and I with a bottle of hair dye, "Here you go, grandma also gave me some gloves" Cheryl and I kissed his cheek, "thank you bubba" Cheryl ruffled his hair, "Ty watch them for a bit, Babe can you help me?" I asked walking towards the downstairs bathroom, she nodded following me in

"Right now? Your brother and our kids are outside they'll hear us" Cheryl said closing the door, I looked at her with my mouth agape, "I'm not taking about my dick I'm talking about my hair!" She laughed as she put the gloves on, "I mean I'll gladly do both" she said seductively, I cupped her sex and squeezed roughly, she bit her lip to suppress a moan. "Quit it, or I'll tease you to the point your crying and begging for release" I whispered in her ear

She gulped as I removed my hand from her area, "now please help me dye my hair" I said grinning and pecking her lips, she rolled her eyes before grabbing the bottle

10 minutes later-

"It looks good on you babe, you should've dyed your hair sooner" she said as she looked me up and down, I ran my fingers through my hair, "thank you love, shall we go show it to them?" I asked before she nodded and opened the door, "woah! Your looks cool momma!" Dorian said as Sera squealed, "can I dye my hair too?" She asked, "next time sweet heart" Cheryl responded

"Oh my god it's little 8 year old Antoinette again!" He wiped away fake tears, "oh how the memories have come back" I glared at him, "I'll snap your neck" he smirked, "So scary! My 5'6 sister is gonna snap her 6'3 brother oh no!" He exaggerated, he started backing up as I walked towards him, "catch me if you can Tiny Antoinette!" He yelled running off, "get back here!" I yelled chasing after him

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