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Cheryl's POV

I was awoken by soft kissed being planted on my cheeks, mouth and neck, "Toni there's a mosquito" I said pulling the covers over my head. I heard her let out a small giggle,"Cher I'm not a blood sucking insect" she pulled the covers down and started peppering my face with kisses, "Are they awake yet?" I asked cuddling into her side, "Nope" she said popping the 'p'. I lifted my head up before pulling her down and closing the gap with a soft, tender kiss

"My fiancé is so gorgeous" I smirked before lining her jaw with kisses and lowering my head to attack her neck, she let out a quiet moan as I sunk my teeth into her flesh, sucking on it. I kissed the marks before lifting my head up to look into her eyes and pecking her lips.

As I laid my head on her chest, the door opened, "morning little prince" I said as Dorian walked inside with his PJ's on,rubbing his eyes, "morning" he said after yawning. He slowly climbed up the bed and sat next to Toni, leaning against her arm, "sissy's still asleep" he said with his eyes closed. I giggled at his cuteness before rubbing my thumb over his cheek, "what do you want for breakfast?" Toni asked him as she stroked his hair, "muffin and-" he paused to yawn, "and bacon"

"Your still tired?" I asked, he immediately shook his head 'no', "Can me and Sera practice riding our bikes again?" He asked looking at us with puppy eyes, "Of course, wanna bring Olive along?" Toni asked, he gave a toothy grin, "yeah!" Soon enough Sera slowly walking into the room. She got up the bed and laid on top of me, "Morning sweetie" I said rubbing her back up and down soothingly, she lifted her head up and smiled brightly, "morning!" She then looked at Toni, "momma! What happened to your neck!?" Sera got up and tried to touch her neck

Toni grabbed her hand, "uhh a mosquito probably came inside and bit my neck, don't worry about it" I looked at Toni and she was blushing a bright red, "why don't the two of you go tell Lucy and Josie to cook breakfast" I suggested, "okay! Come on Dorian" Sera said taking the little boys hand and walking out the bedroom, "I'm a mosquito? Your the one that kept kissing me all over my face" I said chuckling

"Baby you fucking sunk your teeth into my skin and sucked the living hell out of it!" I giggled, "you would've done the same Tones" she pouted, "you know I'm right love" I said sitting up and pecking her cheek

We stood up from our bed and heard a thump on the stairs, both Toni and I ran out, "what happened?" I asked worriedly, "nothing bad mommy. Dorian just tripped on the last step" Sera said as she helped him up, I crouched down next to her, "Dorian are you okay?" He nodded, "mhm! Falling off my bike is more painful" he pouted

I kissed his forehead, "are you sure you okay?" I asked once again, "yes mommy. I'm not a baby anymore, I'm a big boy now, right momma?" He asked turning to look at Toni, "Yes bub, but even though your a big boy now your still our babies" Toni said crouching down and kissing both their cheeks

I dusted off his Pj's, "Oh! Grandma and Grandpa are already up" Sera informed us, "we woke them up ourselves" she gave us a toothy grin, "nice!" Toni said and gave her a high five, "I know the four of you are have a cute little family moment right now, but breakfast is being served" Josie said from the bottom of the staircase. "Yay!" Sera and Dorian yelled at the same time clapping their hands before running down the stairs, "careful!" Toni and I said in unison as we trailed behind them

They giggled as they ran to the dining room and taking their seat, "what are you two so giggly about?" Laurence asked as he ruffled their hairs, "probably because they woke us up with a pillow fight" Scarlet said glaring at the two, "what!? You joined in after waking up Grandma" Sera huffed, Scarlet chuckled

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