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Toni finally woke up from a long nap
"What time is it?" She asked herself as she looked at her clock on her bedside table

"7 am...?" She said to herself

She turned to look at the couch, where Cheryl was still fast asleep

"Hopefully she's not dead" she whispered placing a blanket over her

She then exited the room and headed downstairs

"I see you have awaken from the dead sweet heart" Scarlet said taking a bite of her food

"How long did I sleep?" She asked as she sat down

"The whole day"

"Now isn't that great" I scoffed

"Cheryl still asleep?"

Toni nodded her head as she ate her food

She nodded as she got up from her seat, "I'll be up in my room"

Laurence and Scarlet nodded as she walked upstairs
As she entered her room, she saw Cheryl sitting up

"Morning Blossom"

Cheryl hummed in response

"You want something to eat?"

"Later. What time is it?"

"It's 7 in the morning, we slept the whole day yesterday" Toni divulged

"I should head home. I've been in this dress since yesterday" she said standing up

"I'll walk you home, I got nothing to do"

Cheryl nodded as the both of them exited their room

"Princess where you going" Nicklaus asked

"I'm just gonna walk Cheryl home"

He nodded and they both started walking off

Once they got to Cheryl's house, Cheryl unlocked it and they went inside

"Hey Cher, hey Toni" Jason said

"Hey Jason" Toni replied

"I'm gonna get changed. Toni wait here" Cheryl said walking to her room

"Hey Jase, how old are you?"

"I'm 18, same age as Cheryl"

"Your 18. You got a girlfriend yet?" Toni teased

"N-no... But there is a girl I like" Jason replied

"Oooh what's her name?"

"Polly, Polly Cooper"

"If you like her why don't you shoot your shot dude"

"If you like my sister why haven't yo-" he was cut off by Toni giving him a slap on his arm

"She already knows!" She stuck her tongue out and laughed

I Married a Princess | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now