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2 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒍'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

"Can you buy me those sweets again" Jason asked

"Go get them yourself" Toni replied

"I don't know where you bought them, and I wanna give some to Polly"

Toni shook her head, "Fine. Once you get them you can go back to your lover"

Jason nodded his head and left the room, "I'll be back" she said as she pecked my lips

I nodded, "Hurry, before Jason starts whining again" she nodded and left the room

I noticed Toni's phone on her bedside table, "She keeps forgetting her phone" I said to myself as I grabbed it and went to the door

"Ugh, she already left" as I was about to shut the door, I felt a wave of pain and a stream of liquid rush down my leg, "f-fuck!"

I gripped onto the door, "Lucy!" I yelled, "Lucy!"
Scarlet and Laurence ran out of their room, "Cheryl, what happened?!" Scarlet asked as she ran towards

"M-my water broke" I groaned

"L-Laurence carry her to the car, I'll call Toni"

"Toni left her phone, she's—she's out in town with Jason at the bakery" I said as Laurence lifted me

"Let's just head to hospital we'll pick her up on our way!" Scarlet divulged as she grabbed the babies bag and Toni's phone

Laurence nodded and carried me downstairs, "Leon hospital now. On the way pick up Toni at the bakery" he said sitting me down in the car

Once everyone was in the car, Leon started speeding towards town. Scarlet opened the door once we came to a stop, "Antoinette Topaz get into the car now! Jason go tell your parents to meet us at the Hospital!" She yelled

Once Toni ran into the car Leon started speeding towards the hospital, "Cher what happened?!" Toni asked as she held my hand

"Her water broke, good thing your father and I were home" she huffed

We soon arrived at the hospital. Toni and her father helped me inside, "Her water broke" Laurence said to the nurse

"One of you come with me to the room and someone fill out her information" the nurse said as she helped me onto a wheelchair, leading me into a room

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𝑻𝒐𝒏𝒊'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

"You okay?" I asked

"I'm fine" she replied with a smile

"If you need anything just tell me"

She nodded, "Are my parents here?"

"Yeah, they're outside in the waiting room" she held my hand, "Don't worry"

I nodded

8 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒓
"She's 9 inches dilated, once she gets to 10 she can start giving birth" the nurse divulged

"Try walking around the room" the doctor suggested

I nodded, "I'll help you"

I held Cheryl's hand and helped her walk around the room, "This'll help her dilate to 10 inches?" I asked

"Yes, then she'll be able to give birth to your twins" the doctor said smiling

"Come on Cheryl, push!" The doctor yelled, "I can see baby A"

Cheryl gripped onto my hand as she then pushed, "Okay one more time!"

She then pushed again, "Baby A has arrived, on to baby B"

"Push, I can see his head"

"You got this Cher" I said trying to encourage her

Cheryl pushed, "Come on one more time Cheryl" the doctor divulged as Cheryl then pushed again

"We got both of your kids" the doctor huffed

"Great job Cher" I said as some tears rolled down my cheeks

Cheryl smiled as sweat rolled down her face

"You ready to cut the umbilical cord?"

I nodded, "Yes", Once I cut the cord they weighed and prepared our kids

"Why are you crying, your gonna make me cry" I divulged as I kissed her

"I'm happy. I finally gave birth to our children" she looked at our daughter, "She looks just like you" Cheryl softly booped her nose

"And little Dorian looks like you" I said as I rocked him in my arms

There was a knock, "Theres some people that wanna see you" the doctor said with a smile

Our parents and Jason entered the room, "How are you feeling sweetie?" Penelope asked as she sat next to Cheryl

"I'm fine, just a little tired" she replied

"This must your little boy" my mother said, "Can I hold him?"

I nodded, "Sure" I then transferred Dorian into her arms

"What are their names?" Penelope asked as she held our daughter

"Your holding Seraphina and Toni's mom is holding Dorian" Cheryl responded

My mom handed me back Dorian, "Your father and I will be going back to the castle, we're going ready their room"

"Is it okay if we come and help you?" Penelope asked

"Sure, oh and Toni, here's your phone" my mother said handing it to me, "You gotta remember this from now on"

I nodded, "I know"

She kissed my forehead, "We'll be heading out now"

The 4 of them left, "You gonna stay here Jase?" Cheryl asked

"Just for a little bit"

"Come here, you wanna hold Dorian?" I asked

"Can I?" He asked

"Yes you can dork" he walked to me and I placed Dorian in his arms

"Hey, when your older you can have one" Cheryl said as I sat next to her

"I know" Jason replied

I moved her hair away from her face, "You okay?"

"Yes, I told you I'd be fine T" she looked at Seraphina who was asleep in her arms, "Seems like she was more tired than me"

I smiled at them, "Tones, is it okay if I go?" Jason asked

"Yeah it's fine" I replied taking Dorian from him, "Oh, you made him fall asleep"

Jason smiled, "I'll see you guys later and Cher you should get some rest" he said leaving the room

"He's right, you should take a nap"

"I will. So how's your hand?" She chuckled

"Still hurts, but it's nothing compared to what you did" she yawned, "sleep" I scolded

"Alright mom"

I chuckled and kissed her forehead, "If I'm sleeping just wake me up if you need anything" I said as I pulled a chair next to the bed and sat down

She hummed in return and slowly fell asleep

I sighed and look at the 3 of them, "Topaz, you are one lucky girl"

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