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"Have you picked a dress yet babe?" I asked Cheryl, "Yes, but you're not allowed to see it" she said moving the tablet away from me

I pouted, "why not?", "Because it will ruin the surprise when you see it during the wedding love" I huffed, "fine"

"Don't be upset, it'll be much better if you see it on the day of the wedding" I nodded, she put the tablet down and put her arms around my neck

"Stop pouting hun" she pecked my lips, "Have you picked out your outfits yet?" I nodded, "Yep, my mom told me to show them to you"

"I'll look at them later" the door opened, "You good Tyler?" I asked, "Your children...won't stop nagging me on about how hungry they are"

Cheryl laughed, "I'll go make them something" she left the room, "Ready to get married little sister"

"Absolutely! Just kind of scared to be Queen, also I don't know if Cher would be able to take the stress" I divulged, "No need to worry about that yet, and I'm here now, I'll be there to help the two of you"

I beamed, "I'm so happy your back Ty" he hugged me, "I'm happy I'm back too"

"Okay sooo about the suits..." he said moving back and grabbing the tablet, "like I need to look good T"

I laughed, "it's my wedding, no way in hell Im letting you look better than me" he started looking through the tablet, "which color is for the groomsmen?"

"Groomsmen are getting white and mines will be a beige color" I answered, "I want the beige"

"Too bad bitch" I flipped him off. We heard Cheryl yell from downstairs, I ran out of the room and rushed downstairs, "Hey what happened?" I asked

I then heard laughter, "mo-mommy dropped the f-flour!" Sera yelled through fits of laughter, I laughed, "How!?"

"Shut up! Just help me please" I dusted the flour off her head, "You couldn't reach the top shelf?" I asked
She pouted

Tyler walked in and burst out laughing, "I-I'll get L-Lucy to clean this u-up" he said wiping his tears,

I helped Cheryl up, "Dorian, Sera go eat at the dining table" Cheryl instructed, the two of them nodded and giggled

I walked with Cheryl upstairs, "take off your clothes before you go inside" she nodded and got out of her shirt and leggings. I kissed her forehead, "want me to join?"

"No, we'll end up fucking" I laughed, "no we won't!"
She went inside our room, "Just head downstairs, I'll be there in ten minutes" once she turned around my gazed went down to her bottom

"Nice ass sweet heart" I smirked as she snapped her neck towards me, her cheeks flushed, "Stop it!"

I chuckled, "okay okay I'll let you be" I jogged downstairs and put her clothes in the washer, "Thank you Lucy" Tyler said, "No problem Prince"

"How's the Blossom" Tyler asked me, "She's taking a shower right now" I sat next to Dorian and Sera, "You have some flour on your faces!"

I grabbed a rag and wiped their face, "how's mommy? She fell down on her butt" Sera divulged, I giggled, "Her bum must hurt then"

After a few minutes they jumped of their chairs, "can Dorian and I go in our room now?" Sera asked me as I grabbed their plates

"What are you guys gonna do?" I asked the two of them, "watch a movie" I nodded, they both ran upstairs while I went and put the dishes in the sink

"I'll handle that Princess" Lucy said entering the kitchen, "thank you" I beamed before walking back upstairs

I entered the room and saw Cheryl exit the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, "Hello there beautiful" I smirked as I leaned my back against the door

"You got a boner" she said pointing down, "No I don't!" I looked down, "See I don't have one" she walked towards me with a smirk plastered on her, "I can make you get one"

She put her arms around my neck and her towel dropped, "oops" my breathe hitched as I saw her naked body

She slowly bent down and grabbed her towel, "Cheryl stop it" I whined, she giggled, "okay jokes aside my ass hurts!" She groaned as she wrapped the towel around her body

"I told you, whenever you can't reach something to call for me" I said sitting down on the bed, "Your fiancé is an independent woman, I can deal with it" she said entering the walk in closet

"If you ever want anything from the top cabinets I'm not getting them for you!" I yelled, "Oh come on!" She groaned

"I thought you said that you were an independent woman" I smirked as she walked over to me, "shush! Now massage my ass, as I look through our wedding preparations" she said as she laid on her stomach

"What I don't want to?" I asked, "So you don't want the chance to touch my ass? Okay, whatever suits you" she said turning her gaze back towards the tablet

I laid down next to her and rested my left hand on her ass, a smirk crept on her lips, "what are you smiling about you perv"

She rolled her eyes, "ooo are you gonna wear this one?" She asked showing me the screen, "Mhm you think it'll look good on me?" I asked

She propped herself on her elbow and turned her attention towards me, "You look good in anything Tones"

I giggled, "aww you blush more than I do when complimented" she leaned down and kissed me, "I'd rather kiss your other lips" I said putting my hand on her nape, "Too bad, someone can walk in at anytime"

I pouted, "we can lock the door" she chuckled, "shut up, we'll have time during our honeymoon" I laid on top of her

"Okay now let me lay on you" I said snuggling my face in her breast, "Why don't you just lay your head on the pillow", I shook my head, "Your boobies are much better"

"What are Dorian and Sera doing?" My love asked me, "Watching a movie" I responded, "then let's go join them!" She said sitting up

"They're probably watching some cartoon like "My little pony" I divulged, "Oh they better not! We're supposed to finish that together" I laughed as she grabbed my hand as we walked over to their room

"What are you two watching?" Cheryl asked, "Oh... uh my little pony..." Sera mumbled, "Were supposed to watch that together" Cheryl pouted

"You talk to much when we're watching mommy" Dorian divulged while looking at his mother, Cheryl was taken aback, "okay I won't talk when we're watching"

We sat down next to them, "You promise?" Dorian asked, "I promise" I chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll scold her if she talks too much" our two kids nodded before aiming their attention back towards the screen, "how are you gonna punish me?" She asked, "shhh, the next episode is starting" she kissed my cheek before laying her head on my shoulder

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