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4 years later • February 17
"Momma! Mommy!" Sera and Dorian yelled as they jumped on the bed. Cheryl groaned and looked up at them, "if you don't breathe and keep your eyes shut they will leave" Toni said as she cuddled closer to Cheryl, "momma we can here you" Dorian said as he sat down in the middle of  Cheryl and Toni, "What do you guys want?" Toni asked as she sat up, "breakfast is ready" Sera chimed in as she pulled on their sleeves, "Hey you need to give us our kisses first" Cheryl said tapping her cheek

The both of them hugged Cheryl and Toni and kissed their cheeks, "One question, is Grandma and Grandpa awake?" Toni asked, they both shook their heads 'no', "how about we go jump on their bed and wake them up?!" Toni said smirking, Sera and Dorian smirked as well and jumped off the bed, "wait for us at their door" Cheryl divulged, "okay!" They both said in unison and ran out the door

Toni kisses Cheryl softly, "Happy Anniversary my love", "Happy Anniversary" Cheryl replied and kissed Toni once again, "What do you have planned for today?" Cheryl asked, "It's a surprise" Toni replied with a smirk. The door creaked open, "mommy! momma!" Dorian whisper yelled, both Toni and Cheryl chuckled before sitting up and walking out their room, "hurry! Before they wake up" Dorian said pulling them by their sleeves

They opened the door slowly, Dorian and Sera ran to the bed and jumped on Scarlet and Laurence, "morning!" They both yelled. Scarlet and Laurence sat up quickly, "what a great way to wake up" Laurence said sarcastically, Cheryl and Toni laughed from the door way, "they woke us up the same way so I thought why not show you the same treatment" Toni said grinning, "oh why thank you Antoinette" Scarlet said as she kissed Dorian and Sera's forehead

"Come on breakfast is ready!" Sera said as she ran out the bedroom, Dorian following behind, "You go ahead I need to talk to mom and dad" Toni said as she kissed Cheryl's forehead, Cheryl nodded and headed downstairs

Toni's POV

"You go ahead I need to talk to mom and dad" I said as I kissed Cheryl's forehead, she nodded and headed downstairs, "today's the day huh?" My father said smirking, "you don't understand how nervous I am!" I huffed as I shut the door behind me, "sweetie she'll say yes" my mom assured, "I know, I'm just nervous you know" my mom walked over to me and put her hands on my shoulders, "breathe okay?Veronica and Betty are helping as well so everything will go as planned" I breathed and nodded

"Okay now lets head downstairs, we're gonna seem suspicious" my father said as he stood up from his bed, I opened the door and walked downstairs, my parents following behind. I kissed Cheryl's temple becoming sitting down next to her

"Veronica said I had to meet her at her house" Cheryl informed me, "want me to come with you?" I asked, she shook her head, "she just said she needed me to help her choose an outfit for her date with Betty" she said before taking a bite of her food, "can we come?" Dorian asked excitedly, "Do you want to be with me as Aunt Veronica complains over an outfit?" Cheryl asked as she quirked an eyebrow, he immediately shook his head 'no'. All of us finished our food and headed up to our bedroom

"Mommy when are you going to Aunt Veronica's?" Sera asked, "uhh later in the afternoon, why?" Cheryl asked, "Can I draw with you? I saw you making a drawing of momma", "sure" she sat down at her desk, Sera next to her "You made a drawing of me?! I wanna see" I asked excitedly, "it's not that good" Cheryl shyly said as she took out her sketchbook

"Please" I said with puppy eyes, "fine" she said and opened up to a page, "woah! This is amazing babe!" I said and kissed her cheek

"Please" I said with puppy eyes, "fine" she said and opened up to a page, "woah! This is amazing babe!" I said and kissed her cheek

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