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It's been at least 2 weeks since the coronation. The only reason the couple have been able to survive their new titles as Queen was because Scarlett and Laurence were still there to assist them. But unfortunately, today was the day they'd head off with Tyler to Velverosa and Noah's castle

"Mom take me with you"

Toni's mother laughed, "Honey, the Blossom's are here don't worry"

Tyler slapped her on the head, "dude, you and Cher would look great in grey hair"

"Haha so funny, dad let me kill him" She grabbed her brother by the collar

"I'll do the honors" Cheryl said rolling up her sleeves

"Not right now, we need him to carry our stuff. Chop, chop Tyler" Laurence said as she clapped his hands

"Come on, give grandma a hug" Scarlett kneeled down and engulfed the kids in a tight hug, "The two of you come here"

Cheryl and Toni hugged Scarlett, "Scarlett if I get grey hairs this is your fault" Cheryl joked

"Well it is my honor then sweet heart. We'll come visit, I promise" Scarlett said as she got in the car with Laurence and Tyler

"Bye!" The family yelled, waving as the car drifted away

Toni looked over at her wife and noticed her clutching her stomach, "What's wrong?" She asked, grabbing her wife's hand as they followed their kids inside the castle

"Uh nothing, just hungry"

"Oh, I'll make you some food then" Toni offered

"No, I got it. I'm craving something spicy"

Toni looked at her wife confused, "Since when did you like spicy food? I literally gave you a hot pepper and you died"

The red head shrugged, "I dunno" she let go of Toni's hand before walking into the kitchen, "Sera, Dorian do you want something to eat?"

"Later, we're gonna go play with Olive" Sera said as she dragged her brother

As Cheryl fixed herself some food, Toni stood behind her, her arms wrapped around her wife's waist, "Can I have a bite?"

"Pff no" Cheryl walked away, scarfing down her food

"You're going to choke!" Toni scolded, grabbing Cheryl a glass of water

Cheryl giggled, "Babe don't worry, I'm alive"

"For now" Toni mumbled as they walked into the garden, "I know it's only been a few minutes since they left, but it's too quiet compared to when they were here"

"You've lived with them for all your life, of course it's going to feel weird love" they both sat down on the bench, Cheryl placing her legs over Toni's lap.

The family stayed in the garden for awhile, the calm breeze flowing through the air. The laughter of Seraphina and Dorian as they ran around in the garden, picking out some flowers.

"Hey! There's thorns on the roses careful!" Toni yelled, she placed her hand on Cheryl's thigh, her wife quickly moving her hand away, "The fuck, what was-"

"S-sorry, I have to head to the bathroom" Cheryl quickly said as she started speed walking back into the castle.

Toni furrowed her eyes, "Hey, I'll be right back okay. Olive watch over them" the dog barked in response as Toni went back inside, running upstairs to her bedroom, "Cher"

The red head walked out the bathroom, wiping her mouth, "Oh hey"

"Don't oh hey me, what's wrong?" Toni asked, wrapping her arms around Cheryl, "Why'd you rush to the bathroom?"

"Uhh I just had to throw up again"

Toni quirked an eyebrow, "throw up? Again?" Cheryl nodded. Toni's eyes widened, "Hold on are you..you know"

"I don't know" Cheryl chuckled, "But I've noticed I've been having the same symptoms from when I was pregnant with the twins"

"And why was I not informed?!" Toni asked

"I didn't want to worry you. I set up an appointment with Veronica next week"

"Do you think you're pregnant?"

Cheryl shrugged, "I hope I am"

Toni grinned as she stroked her wife's hair, "If you are, I'll make sure I'm not stuck at the bakery with Jason when your water breaks"

"Laurence had to carry me to the fucking car Tones"

"You're as light as a feather babe, don't worry" she chuckled. The twins then ran in the room and clung onto their mothers legs, "hello there"

"Are we getting a sibling?" Dorian asked as he hugged Cheryl's legs

"did the two of you spy on us?" Cheryl asked as she squatted down to their height

"Maybe....So are we getting one?" Dorian asked excitedly

Both mothers looked at each other, "we're not sure yet bud"

"I want a sister!" Sera yelled

"No!" Dorian yelled back, "I want a brother!" Both twins then fought with each other

"If I am pregnant, I think the kids would love seeing the ultrasound" Cheryl gushed, "Oh! we've never shown them their ultrasound photos!"

Toni's eyes widened and she quickly rushed to the closet, pulling a drawer open, "It's in here right?" Cheryl nodded

"What's momma looking for?" Dorian asked

Toni came out of the closet (no pun intended) and brought out a couple of photos, "These were when you were inside of mommy's stomach"

Both kids looked at the photos, squinting their eyes, "It's just grey blobs" Sera said as Cheryl took the photos from Toni's hand

"This right here is you bubba, next to you is Dorian" Cheryl said as she pointed at the two beans

Sera looked at Cheryl then at Toni, then back to Cheryl, "How did Dorian and I get in your stomach?"

Toni started laughing as Cheryl stared at her daughter with wide eyes, "Honey that's a conversation for later"

"But I wanna know!" the girl pouted

"Sera-" Toni stopped to giggle, "I'll tell you when you and your brother are older okay"

"Fine" she crossed her arms, "did you put us inside of mommy?"

"OOKAY" Cheryl took their hands and led them out the room, "Let's go- let's go eat some cookies"

Toni followed behind giggling, "Quit laughing!" Cheryl scolded as she watched the twins walk downstairs

The taller girl wrapped her arms around the red head, "That was hilarious! Who knew Sera would ask that"

Cheryl shook her head laughing, "Let's hope they never ask again" both moms then rushed downstairs once they heard their kids calling for them

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, don't worry I'm alive....kind of. Welp, hope you enjoyed this shit chapter 😀👍 - Z

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