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Honey moon The newlywed couple was currently sitting down on a couch in the living room. Both girls were watching a movie on the tv screen

Cheryl's phone started to vibrate so she picked it up, seeing Scarlet's name, she answered it and put it on speaker, "Hello?"

"Mommy!" Dorian and Sera yelled through the phone, piercing both Cheryl and Toni's ears

"Mmm hello to you as well" Cheryl laughed

"Is momma there?" Sera asked

"I'm right next to momma" Cheryl divulged a she cuddled up next to Toni

"When are you coming home?" Dorian grumbled

"Do the two of you miss us already? We've only been gone for 3 days" Toni responded

Both of their kids groaned, "But it's lonely without you and mommy" Dorian divulged

"Are we not fun to be with?!" Laurence and Scarlet's voice was heard in the background, making both Cheryl and Toni to laugh

"I-uhhh....We-we just miss our mom's!" Sera stuttered out

"Mhm nice save sweet heart" Toni chuckled

"Grandma and grandpa are going to kill us!" They yelled

"I'm not!" Scarlet yelled, "Anyways, how's your honeymoon?"

"It's been great so far mom" Toni divulged

"Am I gonna get another grand child?" Scarlet asked making Toni cough on her saliva

"We'll see" Cheryl said smirking at her wife

"Y-you want another?!"

Cheryl laughed, "Yes! I love our little twins but I want a third child"

"I agree with your wife darling" Scarlet chimed in

"Ask Tyler to make you another grand child"

"I want another baby" Cheryl said looking at her wife with puppy eyes

"Mmm after dinner" Toni winked before getting up from the sofa

"We'll let you two enjoy your day" Scarlet said, "Seraphina, Dorian come say bye to your mom!"

"Bye Mommy! Bye Momma!" They yelled in the background

"They're playing with Laurence, make sure to notify me on the baby making" Scarlet said making Cheryl laugh

"I'll talk to you later Scarlet, bye"

"Bye sweet heart" the call ended

"Toni!" Cheryl yelled, "Where'd your bitch ass go!"

"I'm taking a shit, leave me alone!" Toni yelled. Cheryl laughed at her Wife

Soon her wife walked out of the bathroom, sitting on her lap, "Okay so I may have booked us a couples massage....saying it out loud makes me cringe, but would you like to do that today?"

"Of course"

"I mean I could massage you myself but that'd lead to uhh.....different things" Toni mumbled

"Facts, come on I wanna get a massage" Cheryl said gently pushing Toni off her lap, "Oh we need to call Leon"

"No need it's walking distance love" The couple walked out of the house and walked down the road, holding hands.

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