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                                    2 weeks later
"Babe! If his poop gets on my hands again!" Toni yelled out of frustration

Cheryl laughed, "Sweetie it won't happen again, you just got to be careful"

Toni sighed as she wiped Dorian and changed him into a new diaper, "I told you it would be easy, your just overreacting"

Toni picked up Dorian, "Want me to swear my shit on your hands, lets see how you react" she scoffed

"Quit acting like a baby, I already got two of them" I said as I kissed her

She groaned and looked behind her, "Sera's awake"

Cheryl walked over to the crib, "Seems like you had a good nap" she smiled as Cheryl picked her up

"What a happy little family" Scarlet divulged as she and Laurence entered the room

"Hey mom, hey dad" Toni said as she fed Dorian

"Don't you think we should move out soon?" Laurence asked Scarlet

"Hey! You said only when we get engaged!" Toni yelled

Laurence and Scarlet laughed, "okay, okay! And also, what were you yelling about again?" Laurence asked

I shook my head, "She was worried about getting poop on her hands again when she was changing Dorian"

Scarlet laughed, "He's your son, you got to learn Tones"

Toni hummed in return, "We'll leave you two alone, if you need us just call our phones" they said as they both left the room

"Ow!" Cheryl yelped

"What happened?" Toni asked walking up to Cheryl

"She squeezed my boob" she chuckled

Toni moved Sera's tiny hands away from Cheryl's chest, "Those are mine okay. You can get yourself some when your older. Same goes for you D" the both of them nodded

"Wow they agreed with you"

Cheryl's phone chimed, "Veronica's coming over, she said she wants some quality time with our little babies" she said in a baby voice

Toni gazed at her girlfriend and laughed, "Cute"

Cheryl smiled at her, "Princess, Ms. Lodge is here" Abram announced, he then left the room

"Aunt Veronica has arrive" Veronica announced has she entered the room

"No work today?" Toni asked

"No, so I thought I'd come over and check on the 4 of you" she put her hands out, "Me like hold Dorian"

Toni laughed and placed Dorian in Veronica's arms, "Have you guys eaten yet?" Veronica asked the couple

"These two have but not us" Cheryl responded

"I'll go ahead and watch these two, you guys go and eat"

"You sure?" Toni asked

She nodded. Cheryl placed Sera in her crib, "Mommy and Momma will be right back" Cheryl said as she kissed the little ones cheek

"I know it's been two weeks since they've been born and you got to take care of them, but you also have to care of yourselves" Veronica uttered

"Yes we know that Doc" Toni grinned

"Okay, go eat lunch. I'll watch your little kiddos, take as long as you want" Veronica said pushing us out the door

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