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𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒍'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

Once the both of us were in a change of clothes, we put a change of clothes on our kids

"You feeling better?" Toni asked

"Yes, I told you I'll be fine" I said smiling

Dorian started crying, "Time for you to be fed" Toni said as she handed him to me and took Sera

"Leon will be picking us up in a bit " She said as she burped Sera

I chuckled, "what?" She asked

"You look adorable"

She rolled her eyes, the door swung open, "How are you two mamas?" The doctor asked with a smile

"We're doing great" Toni replied

"The two of you are leaving today right?" She asked

I nodded, "Yes"

"You better take care of your wife" The doctor told Toni

Toni shook her head, "Were not married"

She blushed, "My apologies"

"No worries, I do like the idea of it though" Toni grinned at me

I rolled my eyes, "Since you just gave birth all you'll have to do is mostly just rest" she divulged

"Okay" I replied

There was a knock, "Princess, it's me Leon"

"You can come inside" Toni responded, Leon then entered the room

"I'll put your bags in her car" he picked up our bags, "Oh and Blossom, Ms. Lodge is at the palace waiting for you. She keeps flirting with Sawyer and Forsythe" he then left the room

I sat up, "That's Veronica for ya"

"You two take care" The doctor said as she soon left the room

"Ready to go?" Toni asked me

I nodded, we both then exited the room and went outside where the car was parked, "Let me open that for you" Leon opened the door and we went inside

𝑻𝒐𝒏𝒊'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽
We soon then arrived at the palace, "Oi Red, Tiny" Sweet Pea said rustling me and Cheryl's hair

"quit rustling my hair" I groaned

He chuckled, "Can I hold her?" Jughead asked

I glared at him, "I have a little sister, I know what to do" he divulged

"How's JB?" I said handing Sera to him

"She has a crush on a boy from school, I don't know how I feel about that" he said as he rocked Sera

I laughed

Veronica entered the main hall, "YOUR BACK! HOW ARE-"

"Shhh!" We all said in unison

"Sorry!" She walked over to Cheryl, "Can I hold my lil nephew?"

"Depends, are you sober?" Cheryl asked

"Of course I'm sober"

She sighed and handed Dorian to her, "Careful"

"Fangs where are my parents?" I asked

"They're in the study with the Blossoms" he replied

"We'll be leaving soon, we just wanted to check on you guys and see your newborns" Sweet Pea divulged

"Thanks for checking on us" I replied

"No worries Tiny" Jug divulged

Soon both of our parents came out of the study, "Ah you guys are home" Penelope divulged

"Hey Mom" Cheryl said hugging Penelope

Fangs put his hands on my shoulders, "I think you and Cheryl should get some rest, we'll be leaving"

"Get home safely" I divulged as I took Sera from Jughead

"Will do" they replied as they walked out

"You didn't have work today?" Cheryl asked Veronica

"I'm on my break" she replied

I noticed Cheryl yawning, "Go get some rest, I'll get you some food after"

"I'm fine" she replied

I raised an eyebrow, "I got this, come on Cher. Dorian fell asleep to" Veronica said gently pushing Cheryl upstairs

"You get some rest to" My dad divulged, "And don't worry about Olive, she's out in the garden"

I nodded and headed upstairs to my room, "Cher fell asleep pretty fast" she said as she laid Sera down

"Thanks Ronnie"

"No problem, I gotta head back to work. I'll come visit from time to time" she replied

"I'd rather you not" I joked

"Fuck you" she said leaving the room

I chuckled as I slowly sat on the bed, "Now you gotta be quiet, your sister and mommy are sleeping" he wrapped his little hand around my finger

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒍'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

I woke up to see Toni and our kids fast asleep. I got up and went downstairs

"Oh you've woken up, are the rest of them awake?" Scarlet asked

"No, when I woke up they were asleep. I just came downstairs to get something to eat"

"If you need anything just ask me, I'll be up in my room" she divulged as she walked upstairs

I went into the pantry and got some food then went to the garden, "Hey sweetie" I said squatting down in front of the little dog

After playing with Olive for a bit I went back to Toni's room. I picked up Sera who was now awake

"Seems like you had a good nap" I kissed Toni's cheek and sat at the edge of the bed

Toni sat up with Dorian in her arms, "Have you eaten yet?" She asked with her raspy voice

"Yes, do you want something?" I asked

"I'll eat later" she kissed my hair

I smiled, "We probably won't be able to get that much sleep"

"That's the only bad thing though" she replied

"True" I nodded

"Hey, she's smiling!" Toni divulged

I looked down to see Sera showing a gummy smile, "Seems like someone's happy"

"I mean who wouldn't be when their mother is this beautiful"

I smiled and kissed her cheek, "She's got your smile"

"She does?" She asked

I nodded, "A beautiful smile just like yours"

She blushed, "Did I make Antoinette Topaz blush?!"

"You've already made me blush multiple times so shut up"

"Make m-" she grabbed me softly by the jaw and started kissing me

"I just did" she smirked

Both Sera and Dorian started moving around in our arms and whined, "They didn't like us kissing" Toni and I chuckled

"Wanna watch a movie?" Toni asked as she sat up against the headboard

I nodded and went to sit next to her as she put a movie on the screen

I Married a Princess | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now