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                                    3 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓
𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒍'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

"Toni" I said trying to wake her up

She turned towards me, "hm? What?" She asked

"Did you forget?"

She furrowed her eyes, "Oh! Fuck your appointment"

"Were not late don't worry" I said as I kissed her forehead

"Oi, your little baby bump got a bit bigger" she said as she rubbed the little bump

I took a strand of Toni's hair and tucked behind her ear, "We don't wanna be late babe, I'm gonna go shower" I said standing up

She smirked, "May I join?"

"Any time" I winked as I entered the bathroom

I got undressed and stepped into the shower and turned on the water. 5 minutes later, I soon then heard Toni enter the shower

I faced her, "What took you long?" I asked

"I was talking to Lucy" she replied as she kissed my lips, "Let's get showered, I wanna get to the ultrasound"

I nodded as the both of us started getting showered. Once we were done we dried off and got dress. We grabbed our things and walked downstairs

"Where you two going?" My mother asked coming out of the library

"Cher has an appointment" Toni responded as she struggled to fix my belt

"T" I said as she helped me

"Cher, you bump got a little bigger" Scarlet pointed out

"Toni noticed it to" I replied

"You two should get going or you'll be late" Scarlet said as she raised an eyebrow at Toni


I chuckled, "Come on let's go" I said dragging Toni outside

Leon raised an eyebrow at us, "Where to newlyweds" he joked

"We got an appointment and were not married" Toni replied

"Get in the car" he said softly pushing Toni inside

Once we were inside, Leon drove us to the clinic. He parked the car and Toni and I exited the car and entered the clinic

"Morning Princess, Ms. Blossom. You two have an appointment?" a female said as we walked up to the desk, "Oh! And congrats on the child"

"Thanks and yes we do, I'll be doing my first ultrasound" I replied

"Alright, your doctor is dealing with another patient right now, but I'll go ahead and take you to your room. Follow me" she said

We both nodded and followed her into the room. I laid down, "Ms. Lodge will be here in a bit" she said as she exited the room

"Lodge?" I said to myself

"Sound familiar to you?" Toni asked

I nodded, "Yeah, I had a friend with same name from where I used to live"

The door soon opened and a raven haired girl entered, "Ms. Cheryl Bombshell" said the female with a grin

"Veronica Lodge, since when did you move here?" I asked

"Last month, didn't know this was where you moved" she said pushing up her glasses as she looked at Toni,  "Damn Blossom, you and the Princess"

I chuckled and nodded, "Yup!"

I Married a Princess | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now