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   10 months later • November 15
Cheryl's POV

"These two seem excited" Veronica said as she played with Dorian and Sera on the mat, "I mean I would be excited if it were my birthday" Betty divulged, I sighed as I scooted next to them, "you okay Cher?" Betty asked me, I nodded, "Yeah, I just can't believe these two are already 1 years old"

"Mommy" Sera said as she walked up to me, "yes bubba", she placed a plushie in my hands, "teddy" I chuckled, "yeah it's your teddy bear" I sat her in my lap, "wish I had a dick so I could get Betts pregnant" Veronica muttered, "dick?" Dorian copied, "no no no, Dorian don't say that!" Veronica divulged , "dick!" He repeated, "Veronica Cecilia Lodge!" I yelled, "I'm sorry! Dorian please stop saying that, your mom's gonna kill me!" She pleaded, Betty smacked the back of her head

"She's gonna kill me!" Veronica said as she cling onto Betty, she pushed her away, "uhh not my fault babe, good luck" Veronica picked up Dorian, "Don't say it again alright" all he did was smile, "your doomed" Betty said patting Veronica's back and pecking her lips

Just then Toni walked in and sat down next to me, "What's Ronnie sulking about?" She asked, "Your girlfriend is going to murder me!" She yelled, Toni looked at me, "Why don't you ask Dorian what word he learnt today, Ms. Veronica taught him it" she grabbed Dorian from Veronica and sat him in front of her, "Hey bubba what word did you learn", "dick!" He yelled with a wide smile

Toni laughed and kissed his forehead, "Veronica I'll ready your funeral" Veronica sighed, "Just kill me already!" She laid back, "gladly" I replied, she sat up quickly, "I was kidding!"

"I was gonna get a cake but my mom and Penelope are baking it" Toni divulged, "ooo! That means the cake is gonna taste great, both my mom and Scarlet are great bakers", "They are indeed"

"Hey, it's almost Christmas! What are you guys gonna get me?" Veronica asks with a smirk, "A nice burial" I responded, "Cher please I said sorry" she looked at me with puppy eyes, "sure" I shrugged, "Just don't do it again" I said flicking her forehead, she nodded

Dorian sat up and walked over to Veronica and slapped her forehead,  "no baby don't do that" I laughed, "okay ow, am I just target practice for you guys" she looked at Betty, "Kiss" she obliged and pecked Veronica's lips

"HI!" I turned towards the door and saw JellyBean flop onto Toni, they both groaned as they fell back, "H-hello to you too JB" JB got off her and came to hug me, "How is it with Ricky?" I whispered into her ear, "We've been dating for a month now" she said smiling, "That's great, how does Jug feel about it?" She rolled her eyes, "Jugrat interrogates him 24/7, it's annoying" I chuckled

Toni rubbed her head, "I think I have a concussion", "oh shut up! We didn't fall back that hard T" Toni pouted, Sera stood up and walked over to her and hugged her, "Aww thanks bubba", "Well Veronica and I will come over later for the party, we still gotta wrap some of their presents" Betty said as she patted Dorian's head

"Be careful with what you say next time" I said as I hit the back of Veronica's head, "hehe yeah...We'll see you guys later" the both of them left, "What you smiling at?" Toni asked Jelly Bean, "nothing!", "her boyfriend" I mouthed to Toni, "ohhh! That Ricky boy again" Toni said smirking

JB responded by nodding, "awww little Forsythia is blushing" Toni teased, "Hey D can I borrow this?" JB asked referencing to the stuffed bear, he simply nodded, "why thank you" JB smirked and threw the plushie at Toni. Both Sera and Dorian giggled, "Why are they laughing?!" Toni asked, I giggled, "Cause their momma just screamed like a little baby"

There was a knock, "Oh hey mom" I said as she walked inside, "Hey Mrs. Blossom" JB said with a wide smile, "Hey girls, Scarlet and I just finished baking some cake, we want to let you guys try it", "oh gladly" Toni responded, "wanna go try some cake?" My mother asked Dorian and Sera, they both smiled widely and nodded, "yeah!"

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