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I'm Antoinette Topaz, 18 years of age and I'm intersex. I'm the daughter of King Laurence and Queen Scarlet, and yes I just said King and Queen. I'm the Princess of Catherdal and my brother Tyler is of course the Prince. Since Tyler's the eldest he's the next one up to be throned as King. As the Princess and Prince of Catherdal, we were required to find our significant other before our parents were to be dethroned, thankfully my mother and father accepted me for being Bisexual. I had expected my love to be from another kingdom, except she was from my village, middle class, but she was far more beautiful than any other woman in the entire world

"Lucy would you mind waking up the kids" Scarlet asked as she sat down next to her husband

"Will do madam" Lucy replied. She headed upstairs and knocked on Toni's door. "Princess, it's time to wake up!" There was no answer. Lucy opened the door and walked into the room "Princess breakfast has been made"

"Ugh, I'll be down there in a minute" Toni croaked as she got out of her bed. "Is Ty awake yet Lucy?"

"Not yet Princess, I'll go ahead and wake him up" Lucy then walked out of the room

"Wait!" Toni croaked "I'll wake him up, I got to get pay back for what he did during our lesson" she said as a smirk formed

"Okay, but please hurry Princess, your mother and father will be mad"

"I know, you can go on and head down Lucy" Toni divulged. Lucy nodded her head and walked down the steps

Once she had gotten changed she went across the hall, to her brother's room. She slowly opened the door, making sure not to wake up Ty.

She grabbed one of his pillows and started slapping him with it. "Ty! Wake up, mother said breakfast is ready!" Toni yelled

Tyler tapped Toni's area "T stop! Wake me up differently next time! Jeez" Tyler ripped the pillow away from Toni's hands

She groaned "That's for tripping me in front of our instructor you bitch!" Toni yelled, she then fixed her hair and clothing. "I'm gonna head down now. Hurry and get dressed or Mother will yell at you" she threw one of Tyler's shirt's at his face

"Yeah, yeah. Mother said she had to tell us something to" Tyler divulged

"About what?" Toni questioned. Tyler shrugged at Toni's question

"Can you get out! I have to change!" Tyler called out as he threw a pillow at Toni

"Okay!" Toni replied as she shut Tyler's door. She then scurried down stairs. "Morning Mother, morning Father" she said as she sat down at her seat

"Morning Toni, where's Tyler" Laurence asked as he took a sip of his coffee

"He's just changing. And Mom, Tyler said you had something to tell us" Toni said

"We'll tell the both you after he as come down from his room" Scarlet said. Toni nodded her head in return

"Morning everyone!" Tyler announced as he took his seat across of Toni

"Now that your finally here, we can eat now" Scarlet divulged as she took a bite of her food

Half way through Laurence cleared his throat. "As you both now, me and your Mother have to tell you something. Later today we'll be having a little parade for the celebration of Easter. You two are to attend the parade. Understood?" Laurence questioned

"Yes Father" Tyler and Toni answered. "One question" Tyler said, "Will be riding one of those things people ride, what are those called again?"

"Aren't they called Parade floaters?" Toni asked

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